Cambio de color de cabello - Change of hair color

by Maria Sol

I received this message from Maria in Chile.

Era de tez blanca , pálida, ojos pardos claros y cabello castaño oscuro. Me deje las canas y tengo ahora mi pelo blanco. Muy blanco. Como hago para combinar mi cambio?

Hello Maria

Thank you for your message.  Through the power of Google translator it reads in English: 

"I have a white, pale complexion, light brown eyes and dark brown hair. I left my gray hair and now I have my white hair. Very white. How do I combine my change?" 

I'm afraid that I can only make vague suggestions with so little information or photographs.

If your hair is transitioning into white and you're not happy with it then of course you have the option to color your hair all over.

Alternatively, you could add highlights to accentuate and brighten the white streaks which can look beautiful.

White hair can look stunning and many women choose to embrace the change.

I would suggest you take your time to decide the way forward. Don't color without thinking about it carefully.

Initially, a silver shampoo or toner could brighten up your hair in general and blend the two shades together.

I hope this helps and whichever way you choose, I wish you well. 

kind regards


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