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The best Hair Care Tips

Is your hair your 'crowning glory'? if not, I'm bringing you some of the very best hair care tips around. Hair will make or break the way you look so if you need a boost of confidence, start at the top.

Best hair care tips #haircare #hairdamage

Happy with your hair? 

Or do you have too many 'bad hair days'?

  • Is it in good condition?
  • Does the style flatter you the way it should?
  • Like to change your color but unsure of where to start?
  • Is your hair colored but you're not pleased with it?
  • Are you able to style it yourself?

Tips from the experts...

I'm not an expert so I've tried to assemble some of the best hair care tips from the experts. If you would like to add anything to the information on this page or have questions that aren't covered, get in touch.

How to: Stronger hair

Achieving and maintaining healthy and stronger hair is not just about how you take care of your 'crowning glory'. It also depends very much on how well you look after yourself.

Best hair care tips #haircare #hairdamage

Afro textured hair care

Often called Afro American hair, this texture of hair faces specific problems as he twisted hair shaft is very susceptible to damage.

Best hair care tips  #best hair care tips https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/best-hair-care-tips.html

Home Hair Color

Were you concerned about your roots during the Pandemic? Or perhaps it's the cost of hair styling these days?

If so, why not try a home hair color!

A celebrity hairdresser was reported as saying that home colorants are so good nowadays that there is little harm that can be done.

After so many failed attempts to get a color I'm happy with at the hairdressers, I now save a fortune by doing it myself! 

Best hair care tips #haircare #hairdamage

Best hair color for YOU!

What's the best hair color for YOU?  Consider that your hair, skin and eyes are all naturally designed to go together. 

So whether you want to add highlights, lowlights or a complete change of color, just follow a few guidelines to get the best result.

Best hair care tips #haircare #hairdamage

To Grey or not to Grey

I've had so many questions about grey hair recently and I've been promising to pull them altogether for you. 

If your hair is beginning to take on some silver amongst the gold take a few minutes to consider all your options before you rush for the colorant...

Best hair care tips #haircare #hairdamage

Your photos:GoingGray

So many women worry about the process and yet many women even enjoy the experience...

Thank you for your photos whether you find your best colors and feel good or whether you choose to color! I'd love to hear how you transitioned into grey - a happy or difficult story?  Contact Me...

Best hair care tips #haircare #hairdamage

Skin & Hair go together

Your natural coloring is all designed to work together - hair, eyes and skin tone.

When you discover your own color palette, you'll have all the harmonizing colors and shades you need to ensure your hair perfectly complements your skin tone.

And it doesn't mean you can't COLOR, but you'll be able to choose the BEST color!

Best hair care tips  #best hair care tips https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/best-hair-care-tips.html

A change of hair color?

A complete change of hair color can have a dramatic effect on your skin.

Change by all means, but be aware of the difference it makes.

Best hair care tips  #best hair care tips https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/best-hair-care-tips.html

10 tips Healthier Hair

Many of our daily hair care habits can cause damage.

Take the opportunity to give your hair a break when you follow my 10 tips for healthier hair!

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