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The Style Makeover blog is a mini journal which lets you know when new articles or updates appear on You'll discover how to wear and enjoy your COLORS plus tips about body shape and seasonal styling - all enabling you to look and feel your confident best.
When Color Analysis results for Michelle determined her an Autumn, she realised that these are the colors she automatically chooses for her home!
Your kind of Style Makeover because everyone, regardless of age shape or size, deserves the look good/feel good factor that comes with Style Confidence!
Our Caribbean Odyssey onboard the beautiful Explora 1 cruise liner.
The 4 Seasons - seasonal color analysis - denoting color groups is a brilliant concept with glorious color palettes - but it doesn't work for everyone!
What is Light Spring? Spring is always Light, always Warm and Clear, how can those beautiful colors be diluted?
5 common style mistakes; Holding on; fitting your life style; no strategy; making do and lacking confidence!
30 ways to wear Burgundy, it's classy elegant and it works for every color palette!
Pack like a Pro for a city break, whether it's Europe or Stateside!
Identifying the best shade of GREEN for you can cause confusion so let's simplify. Any shade that echoes the undertone of your skin will look good on you.
Your Style magazine - color analysis, bodyshape and style. FREE book 'Shortcut to Style' when you subscribe
Discover your best colors with indepth and professional Online Color Analysis - a questionnaire, a photo and you receive an in-depth Color Profile with 100% guarantee of satisfaction
Pack a Pro for a city break whether it's Europe or Stateside: and Color Analysis! Your Style 186
How to use a Color Swatch? It's a blending tool, you're not looking for an exact match but a connection so colors sit happily together.
Need inspiration for different Winter color combinations? Liven up your outfits with 24 fab color mix-ups!
Your Skin Menopause and beyond needs and deserves special care
Travel with me - vacation or just out and about at home, there's style to enjoy everywhere!
Pink wakes up Winter Neutrals - and your Style!
Continue reading "Pink wakes up Winter Neutrals - and your Style! "
How to look polished and well groomed? A 10 point checklist shows what you think is important for great personal presentation
Going grey? Take a few minutes to consider the options and do what feels right for YOU!
Color Analysis results for Louise - "now I can move ahead with confidence!"
You can change your body shape visually with Color, Fabric, Pattern and Shapeever use of Color and Style you can create an optical illusion and hide a problem area.
12 Season color analysis is just admitting that the Seasons don't work for everyone - let me show you the alternative
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