10 tips for Healthy Hair
Adopt my 10 tips for healthy hair if you're able to be at home more now. And, wonderously, it will SAVE YOU MONEY too!
Lack of time generally means that your hair doesn't receive the gentle care it deserves. Blasts of hot air, heated electrics and holding spray are all damaging when used all the time.
Damaged hair is fragile and can break leaving us with the 'frizz'! Give it a break!
Your crowning glory!
It's been difficult for many of us to feel comfortable visiting the hair salon over the last year or so, and a good cut isn't always as easy to get as it once was.
BUT if you can get it into tip top condition, on your next visit to the salon your hair will be easier to work with and easier for you, subsequently, to manage yourself.
If you can't get your regular hair products locally, Amazon are well stocked.
1 Shampoo gently
- Gently massage shampoo into your scalp.
- When you rinse out the shampoo let it flow through the length of your hair and resist the
temptation to rub it in.
- Cool down the water to give your hair a final rinse - this helps to close down the scalp pores for protection.
2 Always use conditioner
- Use conditioner after every shampoo.
- If you're a swimmer wear a swim cap or rinse hair immediately after swimming.
- Use a specially formuated swimmers shampoo and conditioner.
- For overly colored or heat-dried hair try one of the leave-in rich conditioning treatments every couple of weeks.
3 Minimise the dryer
- Allow hair to dry naturally as often as possible.
- If you need to dry it quickly wrap your hair in a drying turban first to reduce drying time first.
4 Don't brush while wet
- If your hair is straight, allow it to dry a little before combing with a wide toothed comb or a vent brush.
- If your hair is textured or curly, comb while it is damp using a wide toothed comb.
5 Use heated tools sparingly
- According
to the experts at the Pierre Michel Salon in New York City, it's
damaging to use heat every day. You're going to get split ends and have
hair with no life... no elasticity. The more heat you use the more
you're exposing your hair to the 'burn'.
- If you must use choose the lowest heat setting and keep the dryer farther away from your hair.
- Limit the exposure time, once a week or even less is best.
6 Give the sprays a miss
- Give the holding sprays a miss for a while if you're not going out.
- In general hairspray will not cause damage to your hair but check the ingredients as Ethanol can be very damaging to both hair and scalp.
- A build up of hairspray between washes can become a problem as it can create layers of dandruff-like particles.
- Hair spray works by coating the hair with polymers which, over time, may dull the hair.
7 Style it gently
- Wear your hair gently pulled back with a soft covered band.
- Try a looser hair style that doesn't pull your hair.
- If you constantly wear it up, allow it to be down while at home.
8 Forced to take a break - it's done you a favor!
- You've probably been forced to take a break from weaves and extensions - it's always best if you have these for 2 or 3 months at the most anyway.
- If you can't have visits to the stylist it's always best to avoid anything quite so complicated.
9 Always leave time between treatments
- Perms, coloring and other more intense treatments have all been put on the backburner but, ultimately, it will be beneficial to your hair.
- At the best of times you should leave at least two weeks between coloring and perms.
10 Forget 100 strokes!
- Always brush or comb hair gently.
- It does not need 100 strokes a day!
- Avoid pulling or tugging on your hair.
- Use a moisturizing conditioner.
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