Julie, our recent competition winner has kindly allowed me to show you how I Assess her Body Type. Her clothes don't seem to be fitting well these days so I'm going to check her shape through with the Body Type Quiz to ensure that she is correctly addressing her current figure!
I'm sure many of us will associate with the very same problem when you find that your clothes are no longer fitting as well as they once did!
We know that bone structure never changes and taking the easy-peasy Body Type Quiz is the simplest way to assess your Body Type. That will help you to understand why certain shapes and styles, even why different fabric textures, will suit your figure more comfortably than others.
But life is rarely that simple!
Julie had always
considered herself to be a Pear shape and heeded the tips and tricks I suggest
on the website to get a fit.
But now, approaching 50, she finds it difficult to shift a little extra weight around her tummy and hips. I'm sure many of you will recognize a similar problem.
By this time, you may have been through childbirth, menopause, perhaps you've been ill or take medication, they all take their toll. The amount and type of exercise you take and individual hormone levels, even stress, can also effect a change in muscle mass and where body fat is stored.
Phew!! It's hardly surprising that the figure we had in our 20's and 30's has changed somewhat and, let's not forget, everyone is different! So let's establish the fact that it's no-one's fault and take a look at how to cope!
A change of shape is NOT A PROBLEM or a detriment to looking your best, it's just occasionally necessary to re-assess the body type you are currently dressing!
So initially let's go to the Body Type Quiz which will assess your basic Body Type. There are only 5 of these, so choose which you are closest to.
The first question describes the two basic Hip Shapes and asks you to click into the one that's closest to your own. I show Julie's hip shape between the two options below, it's easy to spot which one she resembles most. Her hips and thighs are quite equal in width and create a Straight Hip like the one on the right.
N.B. A Pear Shape body has Curved Hips where the thigh area is wider than the hips so either Julie has been mistaken previously or, it could be that her figure has changed somewhat.
Once we've established that Julie's hips are Straight we click the image and are taken to the next question.
Here, we look at the relation between the shoulders and hips. The Inverted Triangle on the left has shoulders wider than the hip area; Rectangle Body on the right has shoulders and hips pretty much in line.
Julie has a RECTANGLE BODY SHAPE. So thinking she was a Pear was either a mistake when assessing her body type or perhaps things have changed!
I've established that Julie is a Rectangle shape which, with her height of 170 cm, gives her a great figure.
Thinking she was a pear shape meant that she was trying to make her straight hips fit into soft and fluid styles. Whereas, garments with structure look so good on her rectangular frame.
The mix-up may be due to the fact that she has gained weight on her tummy and waist which appears to give the appearance of a high hip. But as she is a good height she probably had no real fit problems previously and this may be the first time she has needed to seriously assess her shape.
There is no doubt that most of us will gain inches around the waist as we get older and this can give the effect of a changing body shape.
Although you may know your generic Body Type, do re-assess your figure as it changes and be flexible enough to try different shapes that might now be more flattering.
Whatever your Body Type, always be aware of your unique Body Shape and be ready to address any individual figure challenges that worry you.
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