Discover Color Analysis - it's MAGIC!

Discover Color Analysis
Discover Color Analysis #coloranalysis #beforeandaftercoloranalysis

What is Color Analysis?

Color is the first thing that people notice and while some colors can make you look tired, others can bring you to life! Why would you choose to look less than fabulous when it's so easy to determine your own best colors?

Discover how Color Analysis looks at the natural coloring in your hair, eyes and skin tone and shows you how to echo the same characteristics in the clothes and makeup you wear. This creates harmony!

Wearing your own 'Color Family' will:

  • complement you naturally
  • brighten your skin and eyes
  • allow you to look healthier
  • give you more self confidence
  • raise your self esteem
  • mean no shopping mistakes
  • show you how to co-ordinate
  • streamline your wardrobe
Discover Color Analysis #coloranalysis #beforeandaftercoloranalysis"An innovative approach but the right one!" Elise, France
Discover Color Analysis #coloranalysis #beforeandaftercoloranalysis"I can't believe the difference, I am Winter!" Denise USA

But it's much more than color...

When you discover COLOR ANALYSIS it doesn't mean that you are suddenly expected to turn into a fashionista! It's more about becoming aware of your own potential because... 

most women really are like me, don’t want to look like a fashion model, just want a bit more confidence..!

Feeling good about yourself is much more of course than wearing the right colors but your outward appearance is often a reflection of how you feel inside and knowing you look good is a positive boost.


Discover Color Analysis #coloranalysis #beforeandaftercoloranalysis"This makes so much sense" Marie-Eve, NZ
Discover Color Analysis #coloranalysis #beforeandaftercoloranalysis"I've struggled for years to see myself" Laura

Discover your Color Family

There are 10 Color Families, 6 Tonal and 4 Seasons. My Personal Color Analysis uses both the Tonals and the Seasons together so that I can identify the most complementary color palette for your natural coloring. 

You may have one color characteristic or you may have a mix but it's always your unique coloring that directs the result. The most important thing is finding a range of colors that allow you to feel comfortable and just like YOU! 

You will always recognize some of the colors in your personal color palette and it's comforting to know that you're in the right direction. But discovering a complete palette that's just right for you is something special! 

Discover Color Analysis - it's Magic!

How will you discover Color Analysis?

FREE Color Analysis Quiz

There are 2 FREE Color Analysis Quizzes to find your Tonal Color Family or your Season quickly and easily! Which one feels more like you? 

Answer 3 questions and find the COLORS that flatter your natural coloring best.

This is obviously a generic quiz so I can't guarantee accuracy!

Discover Color Analysis - it's Magic!

Online Color Analysis

A Personal Color Analysis guarantees success whether you have a Tonal or a Seasonal color palette.

I carefully analyze your coloring from your questionnaire, photos and any queries/concerns you may have. 

You receive a complete breakdown of how and why you fit into a Color Family with the process explained in over 20 personalized images; plus a 30 page Color Profile which tells you all you need to know about your color family. 

Discover Color Analysis - it's Magic!

How Color Analysis works

Want to work out your own coloring? I'll show you how Color Analysis works! 

There is a version of every color in every COLOR PALETTE - and there are no colors you can't wear! Just identify the shades that suit you best. 

Discover Color Analysis - it's Magic!

Tonal or Seasonal?

Tonal or Seasonal Color Analysis is there a difference? No, they both match your color characteristics to a particular color palette. 

BUT some of us have 1 primary color characteristics, some of us have 3, and it's important to explore all the Color Families to discover which color collection works best for your own mix.  

If you're not happy with your current analysis perhaps all the possibilities haven't been explored. Check it out! 

Discover Color Analysis - it's Magic!

Color Analysis eBooks

There are 6 Tonal Color Families and 4 Seasons.

In my Color Analysis Ebooks you'll find lots of information that will help you to understand all the Color Families - plus FREE digital swatches for each Color Family.  

Discover Color Analysis - it's Magic!

How to use Color Swatch

Wow! you've got a fabulous new Swatch fan in your hot little hand but what next? How do you actually use this fabulous little tool?

Don't panic because I'll show you how!

How to use a Color Swatch #colorswatch #fabriccolorswach #coloranalysisswatch

Before and After Analysis

Read the comments of many happy and satisfied clients and discover what Color Analysis can do.

Your color choice is usually instinctively connected to your natural coloring and personality and you're likely to feel completely at home with your new color family.

Discover Color Analysis - it's Magic!

Color Analysis FAQ

What are the benefits of Color Analysis? I've listed the most common questions I'm asked about color. 

If your query isn't covered here, check out Ask a Style Question Page.

Color Analysis FAQ #coloranalysisfaq #coloranalysis

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