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Tonal Color Analysis

It's easy to understand ...

TONAL COLOR ANALYSIS is not as well known as SEASONAL but if you have one primary color characteristic (much stronger than any other) one of these color families is the one for you.  

Color characteristics are really just the way we describe ourselves. Is your coloring LIGHT or DEEP; is it BRIGHT or SOFT / MUTED; is it HOT or COOL?

Those are the 6 Tonal Color Families. Each of these Color Families has a whole spectrum of colors with ONE main color characteristic in common.

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Color Characteristics

Color Characteristics You can have 2 or even 3 of these color characteristics present in your natural coloring.

The SEASONS mean you have a mix of characteristics. 

But the TONAL Color Families mean that you have ONE color characteristic that is much stronger than the others. 

Online Color Analysis will categorize you into the correct Color Family for your natural coloring whether it's Tonal or Seasonal. In each color family you will find a whole spectrum of color - the best shades to suit you whether it's red, blue, green, yellow, purple etc.

Tonal Color Analysis - The 6 Color Families

This is how Tonal Color Analysis works.

The LIGHT color family groups together all the Light colors; the WARM color family groups together all the Warm colors and so on.

Each Color Family has a full spectrum of colors - Red, blue, green, yellow, purple, gray etc.  but all in the specific shades that harmonize with each other and with YOU!

So no-one can ever say "I can not wear green" because, whatever your color direction, there is a shade of green that will suit you!

ONE strong characteristic? You may be a TONAL...

The LIGHT Color Family

The first thing we notice is that you are very Fair. There is little contrast between your hair and skin and even your eyes are light. Without makeup you may feel quite colorless.

You have elements of both COOL and WARM but it is the LIGHTness of your coloring which takes precedence.

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Colors with a light pigment will complement your natural coloring and never dominate. They are not all pastels - they merely have less intensity.

So if you can not tell whether you's Spring or  Summer  you might just be LIGHT. 

The DEEP Color Family

The DEEP Color Family groups together all the shades with a heavy color pigment, not just dark tones.

You have elements of both Warm and Cool but it is the depth of your coloring and the strong contrast between your features which takes precedence.

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Colors with strong pigment will complement your  natural coloring  and balance your almost exotic appearance. These are colors with a heavy intensity not always dark.   

So if you sometimes wonder whether you are Autumn and Winter  you might just be DEEP. 

The WARM Color Family

Naturally red or auburn tints in your hair, golden skin tone? These Warm colors will very probably flatter you.

All the shades in this Color Family has a yellow undertone and they all work together to create a beautiful golden glow. Every color includes a shade with a WARM undertone. Put them altogether and you get the WARM Color Family.

Any color with a Blue undertone will look harsh against your skin.

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Both Spring and Autumn are made up of Warm colors but there are elements that don't relate to your coloring. It is just the true WARM shades that are included in this color palette and bridges the gap with beautiful mellow warmth. 

The COOL Color Family

Cool toned eyes, pink skin, ash brown hair? These could be the colors for you.

Every color will have a shade with a blue or COOL undertone. Put them together and you have the COOL Color Family.

Any shade with yellow tones will react harshly against your skin and even make you look sickly - you're the perfect English rose.

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Both the Summer and the Winter seasons are made up of Cool colors but they have other elements which do not relate to your individual coloring. It is just the true COOL colors which are included in this color palette.

The MUTED Color Family

You have elements of both COOL and WARM in your natural coloring and confusing characteristics such as warm hair/cool eyes, or light hair/dark eyes. 

This confusion makes your overall coloring richly blended and harsh colors appear over-powering.

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Gently 'greyed down' shades from 'everywhere' come together. Some Cool, some Warm, not too Light, not too Deep - this makes up the Muted Color family. All the extremes, the harshness, has been taken away and the softness will enhance your equally soft appearance.

Both Summer and Autumn have an element of softness in their makeup but just the true MUTED shades are included in this color palette.  

The BRIGHT Color Family

You have elements of both Cool and Warm in your natural coloring but your colors are always intense. Your hair is usually dark but could be red or even blonde. Your skin is always clear and your eyes startlingly bright. 

These characteristics can be confusing but they demand the clearest purest tones to balance your extreme brightness.

Bright shades have little to no undertone they have, as closely as possible, complete clarity. 

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Both Spring and Winter have an element of Bright in their makeup but just the true BRIGHT shades are included in this color palette.  It excludes the other elements that don't relate to your individual coloring.

The Tonal Color Brief £9.00  
6 Color Family books for the price of 3

This is a FULLY ILLUSTRATED book showing how easy it is to understand Tonal Color Analysis. How to identify your primary color characteristic and translate it into a complementary group of colors ie your most obvious Color Family.

15 pages of information for each Color Family; how natural coloring works and how you are linked to a Color Family; how to wear and enjoy your best colors, neutrals and accent shades; makeup, hair; jewelry etc. celebrity images and fashion shots. 

This includes 6 COLOR BRIEFS and 6 DIGITAL COLOR SWATCHES for the price of 3! Books are available individually HERE ...

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Online Color Analysis

Online Color Analysis will show you how to LOOK and FEEL healthier and more attractive. Your natural coloring is defined by the colors in your hair, eyes and skin tone. When you echo these colors in the clothes and makeup you wear you create Color Balance.

You may have a Seasonal or a Tonal Color Family but always an indepth analysis with full explanation of how your colors work with your natural coloring, a 30 page full Color Profile and several personalized images.

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Or as Coco Chanel said
'The best color in the world is the one that looks good on you!'

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