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Color Analysis FAQ

It's time to address some Color Analysis FAQ (frequently asked questions) that I receive. If one person asks a question you can be sure that many others have wondered the same thing! 

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7 common Color Analysis FAQ

Color is the first thing that people notice and while some colors can make you look tired others will bring you to life! Why choose to look less than fabulous when you can discover the colors that make you look your best? Because when you...


What will Color Analysis do for me?

Feeling good about yourself is much more than just the right colors but how you look is often a reflection of how you feel inside. Knowing you look good is a positive boost. You will...

  • enhance your appearance
  • look healthier and more vibrant
  • have more confidence
  • raise your self esteem
  • avoid future shopping mistakes!
  • discover wardrobe co-ordination
  • streamline your wardrobe
  • save TIME and MONEY!
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How does Color Analysis work?

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Color Analysis identifies the natural color characteristics in your eyes, hair and skin. This is your Color Family and when it's echoed in the clothes you wear you create harmony.

Your Color Family has a complete spectrum of colors with reds, blues, greens, yellows, etc. but each shade is the one that's the best for YOU! If you look at how color analysis works you may be able to recognize your own coloring.

Why can't I wear any color?

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You can of course wear any color you like but each color has many different shades some of which will make you look good and others can make you look quite sickly.

I don't think anyone would choose a shade of green that makes them look ill?

Once you've found your own color palette, you'll find it easy to begin mixing and matching for simple co-ordination. Sarah (above) looks her best in colors with a Cool undertone.

Why are there different kinds of Color Analysis?

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They may sound different but they all work in exactly the same way. Both Tonal and Seasonal Color Analysis match your natural coloring with color palettes of the same characteristics. It is your own individual coloring which dictates your color palette. 

If you have one strong color characteristic you are likely to fit into the Tonal Color Families. If you have a mix of characteristics then the Seasons come into play.

Can I find my own Color Family?

Yes there are several ways to find your own Color Family.

1  A FREE Online Color Analysis Quiz may be enough. 

2  Discover how Color Analysis works and begin to identify your own coloring. 

3  And if you'd like some help I offer an individual online Online Color Analysis

Do I need a Color Swatch?

Not necessarily but it is difficult to carry color shades in your head. A Color Swatch allows you to understand your best shades and shows you how your colors harmonize! If it looks good with your swatch it will look great on you!

Online Color Analysis comes with a free digital Color Swatch and it's not necessary to buy a fabric swatch unless you want to.

A Fabric Color swatch is available at any time and comes with lots of additional information about your color family; co-ordination, makeup, hair, accessories, even jewelry.

Color Analysis FAQ #coloranalysisfaq #coloranalysisquestions https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-faq.html

I'm more interested in finding out my Body Shape

It's important to discover your Body Shape or Body Type so you can find the best shapes to fit your figure.  

But before you spend your hard earned money, make sure they flatter your coloring as well. 

Why would you spend money on clothes that fit you perfectly but not be sure that the color suits you?

The effect of color is so strong that a tired wardrobe can be perked up with just a couple of new t-shirts.

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