Color Analysis Results
on Style Yourself Confident

All these images were created with my unique method of Color Analysis. I use both the Tonal and Seasonal methods together, the result provides the best ever color palette for your natural coloring. 

Wherever you are in the world Personal Color Analysis is for YOU. Just a questionnaire and a few photos and your results will be delivered direct to your Inbox in about a week.

You will have about 24 images and explanations at every step and, most of all, a look that makes you feel comfortable and, well just like YOU! 

There is complete confidentiality; the ladies below have given their permission for photos. PERSONAL COLOR ANALYSIS costs just £79. Click here...

CLICK into each image below to see more... 

"my home is all Autumn colors!"

Color Analysis results #coloranalysisresults

"My clothes were wearing me!"

Color Analysis results #coloranalysisresults

"I've been drawn to jewel colors"

Color Analysis results #coloranalysisresults

"love your thought process..."

Color Analysis results #coloranalysisresults

"I resonate with the bright..."

Color Analysis results #coloranalysisresults

A family affair! Color Analysis for 3 sisters...

Color Analysis results #coloranalysisresults
Color Analysis results #coloranalysisresults
Color Analysis results #coloranalysisresults

"an amazing experience!"

"ready for a 'pop' of Bright!"

"complete & perfect analysis"

"having fun with my colors!

"..surprised but spot on!"

"..such detailed information!"

"...happily surprised..."

"...from creativity not anxiety"

"...made me feel special!"

"Holding my head up now!"

"The most thorough Analysis!"

Lady in Red

"I knew Autumn was wrong"

"I have struggled..."

"..gone into analysis paralysis!"

"no wonder I looked pale!"

"..the best explanation ever!"

"I'm ready to glow!"

I really didn't fit...

Years ago when the Seasons began to be mentioned, I felt I didn't really fit any of the categories. I was somewhere between Summer and Winter and naturally gravitated towards some of the colours in those palettes. It was nice to have someone confirm that. 

Most of my wardrobe fits the Cool palette but there are some fun colours I can try as well. I did find that L'Oreal has foundations is Warm, Cool and Neutral undertones so picked one in Cool and it matches great, makes a big difference.  I just need to find lipstick colours now.

Thanks so much for all your help.  I'm looking forward to getting the colour swatch. Susan, Canada

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

Pamela: How different siblings can be. Susan's sister Kathryn is above - they're polar opposites!

I love the depth you go into...  Kelly from the USA

I love my color analysis thank you so much! Let me first say that your site is the first place that I’ve ever come across the Tonal color families.  I was always trying to decide if I was a summer or a winter; felt I was too dark for Summer but too light for Winter. And then I encountered a system that broke all the seasons down into three separate categories such as light, bright, and deep. I also saw the words shaded. How confusing! I really could not decide then.

Then I came across your site and pretty much figured I was probably either a Cool or a Winter but kind of also wondered about the Muted so I really wanted to have you do the Color Analysis so that I would know for sure.

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

If I had been forced to choose I would have said I was the Cool color family so looks like I was right. I love the depth you go into, I'll be buying the fabric color swatch for sure. Again thank you so much. I’m 100% satisfied. Your website is very clear, you do amazing work. Thanks again!

It's taken a while...

It's taken a while but I'm starting to see this now. I've just ordered some clothes from Kettlewell and mentioned your name when they asked how I heard of the company.

How did you pick up Irish in me? Do I appear Irish? My paternal grandmother is Irish and grandfather is Catalan. All of my relatives on the Irish side have very dark hair, however, I have distant cousins from Barcelona who are gingers. Kellie, USA

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

Spring to Soft Summer but happy to be back...

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

I think I instinctively chose Spring colors before I ever thought about the gold flecks in my eyes and decided I was Spring! I have old photos of me in turquoise, periwinkle blue and clear red. 

Then a few natural ash tones in my hair threw me and I switched to Soft Summer - there's a soft look I see from time to time so it seemed to make sense.

I've been weeding out the Soft Summer colors from my wardrobe this week and noticed that I collected crossover colors that also fit into Spring; some of them are very muted though and those are the ones that are going to go.

I was so excited once your conclusion set in that I took a day off to rearrange my wardrobe back to Spring. I'm getting my old wardrobe back, but it's different. I feel more free now to mix it up and pair opposites - and I'm only keeping what I love. Angie from

Sue is an expat blogger enjoying the Spanish sun...

There's so much to take in, but my immediate reaction was that it all made sense and there are lots of colours that I love in there. I liked the way you showed the various options so I could see the difference between warm and cool etc, and also how you used some photos from my blog!

I have some of the Autumn colours in my Warm swatch, but it will be good to have all the Autumn colours together. It's interesting to see the difference having the deep element makes, as many of the warm shades are too light for me.

I'm definitely pleased with the results, thanks for such an indepth analysis plus the book. Sue, Spain from

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

This is a game changer for me!

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

Thank you for the detailed analysis. I think that it's going to be a game changer and save me money in my future purchases. I've had other online analysis - been neutral and even warm neutral twice (soft autumn). Those analysis' were challenged on a Facebook forum with lots of feedback saying I was cool most likely a summer maybe winter. 

It's hard to be objective and maybe as you pointed out the most important thing isn't bright vs. soft or light vs. dark so those factors have always thrown me off when trying to apply other systems. My palette is so classy and I love that you made the comparison to Duchess Kate. I can't wait to start building a wardrobe that will serve me for the rest of my life. Thank you again! Laurie, USA

This makes sense...

Thank you so much, this is very exciting and makes sense of what I was thinking. I have a lot of the colours already but now it gives me a much better focus and a good deal of inspiration. It also explains why some colours just don't make me feel good even though I like them!

I always wanted to do an analysis but found it too expensive but I think you are offering good value for money and it is equally effective online. Eleanor, UK

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

From confusion to confidence...

Thank you so much for all the wonderful information you have sent me.

I had been previously told I was a Summer flowing to Spring which I have found quite confusing and thought perhaps I might be more tonal. Coming out as a True Spring is a surprise but makes so much sense when I look at the pictures, especially as I've always thought peachy make-up and bronzer really suited me rather than pinks. No wonder I have been feeling quite drab of late!

You have given me the confidence to embrace some colours which I had thought suited me but was contrary to the cool palette I've been sticking too.

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

I'm super excited to keep my new copper hair and can't wait to brighten up my wardrobe. Deborah U.S.A.

Janice from Canada...

"I've been searching for over 2 years for someone to do my colours. Anyone I found missed the mark but when I came across Pamela's site I knew I had hit gold!

Everyone looked so much better in their correct colours. I always thought I might be Autumn but some of the colours were just so off, now I know I'm a Summer and I love all the colours! I have gone through a lot in the last few years of my life and this is just what I need to help get back on track. 

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

I need new clothes but didn't want to waste money on things that didn't flatter me so finding my best colours as a first step. Why spend loads of money if they won't flatter me?  Now I know exactly what to buy no money wasted I feel more confident! Thank you so much Pamela you are a treasure and I truly feel you have a gift at helping people with their colours, and through that with their confidence!"

Juliet from France..

Before: "I am a new mom since 6 months and I would like find the right colors to be prettier and feel more confident." 

After: "Thank you very much for this color analysis. I am very happy to finally know what colors to choose. 

I started buying a scarf with spring colors and I immediately saw the difference on me. I will continue with sun dresses for this summer" :)

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

Melissa, Australia...

Thank you so much - how wonderful to see your analysis it makes perfect sense.

In some ways I was slightly disappointed that you didn’t say you thought I was a Spring or a Light or even an Autumn just because it would be something that would be completely different and new to work with but deep down I knew I was somewhere between Summer and Winter and most of my favourite clothes are Cool coloured.

You’ve given me a great framework and a better understanding of how/why my colouring is supported and brought out with cool colours but not so much in some of the colours in the Summer and Winter palettes.

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

I don’t know why I waited so long to ask for your help!

P: Melissa's hair is transitioning into beautiful silver which allows her colors to look more stunning.

I love it!

Susan from the US:

Thank you so much! I love it! I will take some time this week to read and digest all the information. Can’t wait to dive in. By the way, You were recommended by Laura V. Several of us in that group find your analyses (even online!) to be thorough and so very helpful.

Your explanation of the Summer seasonal palette (vs tonal) helps all the others I’ve had make sense now. I'm really enjoying my palette.

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs

Fiona, Australia says: I appreciate your help to all my questions. I'm really looking forward to identifying a pattern and understanding why certain colours and makeup works or don't work. I want to stop second guessing myself all the time over purchases and know what to look for. Thank you for the digital swatch, can I order fabric swatch from you?

Pamela:You talked initially about finding your personal style - well after seeing earlier photos of you I think you've definitely found it. With your short curly hair and colorful glasses it really sets off your delicate features and the vibrant Spring colors will be the finishing touch.

Before and after Color Analysis - testimonials, reviews and photographs
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