TONAL or SEASONAL COLOR ANALYSIS, do they have you puzzled?
Lots of people find that the SEASONS don't work for them and they're right, they don't work for everyone.
Your natural coloring is defined by your individual color characteristics. Sometimes they will show that you're a SEASON but, if not, you will belong to a TONAL Color Family.
The systems complement each other. There is NO difference because whatever your Color Family there is a glorious color palette waiting just for YOU.
The TONAL system is not so well known in the USA but I use both systems together and ensure that I always get the best results for YOU!
Considering COLOR ANALYSIS? Then choose a consultant who understands both systems to get the best result. Or pop over to Color Analysis right here.
TONAL Color Analysis works well if you have one primary Color Characteristic
It's easy to understand because colors are grouped together just the way we describe them - LIGHT DEEP BRIGHT MUTED WARM or COOL - into Color Families.
Take a look to see how Color Analysis works and you may be able to identify your Color Family.
If you don't fit into a Tonal color family you will be a Season, each of which is a mix of color characteristics.
SEASONAL Color analysis works in the same way but each Season is a mix of THREE color characteristics.
This was the first system to be developed and, since then, the Seasons have been redefined and are (officially) quite precise. Sadly this is often not adhered to and people are sometimes mis-determined.
The Seasons have fabulous color palettes but if you do not fit into the specifics it's better to look at the Tonal color families and identify your ONE primary characteristic.
There's no need to be confused because the two methods are not different at all and I use them together to get an accurate analysis. Whether it's Tonal or Seasonal Color Analysis, your hair, eyes and skin tone are analyzed in exactly the same way to find your personal color direction.
The way I do Color Analysis is to provide you with at least 15 full color images to show you exactly how and why I have come to my conclusion. You can compare color palettes and see which one makes you look healthier and more attractive.
This is information that lasts a lifetime. See worldwide Testimonials.
When Color Analysis became fashionable way back in the 70's and 80's, it acquired a bad reputation because it was very dogmatic. I like to sweep away the old fashioned attitudes and put back the fun, the flexibility and the common sense into what is a magical medium.
COLOR is here to be enjoyed not to get HUNG UP on. Even if you find your COLOR FAMILY, you probably won't look good in every shade of your swatch - it's all very individual as are we.
Color Analysis is a guide to help find the best look for you, IT IS NOT written in stone.
And as Coco Chanel always said
'The best color in the world is the one that looks good on you!'
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