A slender or LONG NECK is considered to be very elegant and is much envied. It usually goes with a slender figure overall that is a perfect 'clothes horse' and can make you look taller.
Don't forget we all look at things differently and one woman's assets are another woman's concerns! And if a long neck is something that particularly bothers you then most certainly it's something that you should address.
Many women would consider your look extremely elegant, but if it makes you feel self-conscious you can address the situation.
There are some very easy style tips you can copy that will help you to feel less self conscious, more comfortable and bring this area visibly more into proportion.
all have figure spots we're not fond of and it's not for anyone else to try and influence how you feel about it.
By carefully choosing the cut and style of what you're wearing, you can influence the eye and feel far more confident about the way you look.
There are
lots of ways of softening the neck area, making it look less exposed and enabling the neck to appear shorter. More positives than negatives here!
Your neck can look over-exposed if left bare but the good news is that you have the space to introduce plenty of stylish detail. the majority of women can look over-whelmed if they try to wear too much detail.
You, however, are able to enjoy layers, accessories and jewelry around your neck and shoulders - all decorative features that will soften the overall look and add elegance to your outfit.
You can show off the most beautiful silk scarves to advantage. A large statement necklace can look fabulous - there are few women that can wear one so effectively!
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