How to translate the fabulous colors from your color swatch into a wardrobe? Well, Kettlewell Colours provide the inspiration and the solution in over 300 shades, quality, design and style in separates, dresses and accessories!
Since 2004 this UK supplier has worked with only small, family-run factories who look after their employees and suppliers who source sustainably, while they strive for the very highest standards in clothes production. Delivered worldwide, these are the perfect pieces you will return to every season.
How about a Holiday Capsule designed specifically for YOUR SEASON?
Yes that's right, whatever your coloring, Kettlewell Colours have created a brilliant mix and match concept to simplify holiday packing.
Cracking ideas for travelling light and always looking your best. Different colorways for each of the four Seasonal color palettes that will get us excited about packing once again!
Dame Prue Leith is not only one of our all-time favorite cooks but she constantly cheers us with her use of bold color and clean lines!
Her innate love of vibrant color was spawned in her native South Africa where she grew up amid a lush back drop of sun, sea, sky and flowers.
Now Prue and Kettlewell have collaborated to produce a spectacularly colorful range of tops and accessories you will adore!
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