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Body Confidence

Body confidence is difficult to define! I ran Style Workshops for women of every age, shape and size for over 20 years and most of them were looking to raise their confidence levels.    

No matter how much you exercise or challenge yourself to diet, however much you spend on pampering or clothes, you need to truly believe in yourself before you can begin to relax and feel confident in your own skin!

Gaining body confidence means that you stop thinking and worrying about yourself and are able to concentrate far more on those around you.  

Body confidence doesn't come from having a perfect body - it's embracing the one you've got!  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/body-confidence.html

From childhood to maturity...

From childhood to maturity we are shaped by many outside influences - parents, schooling, environment, occupation, relationships - in fact many of us have been completely re-shaped or re-defined.

Has the way you think about yourself and take care of yourself been influenced by your route through life and the way you've been treated by those around you?

Body confidence doesn't come from having a perfect body - it's embracing the one you've got!  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/body-confidence.html

Peer support...

A group of women can be incredibly supportive towards each other and will usually come together with a positive and caring attitude ready to recognize, respect and encourage their peers.

A Style Workshop allows a group of women to 'play the game'; to take a look at new friends and offer praise and positivity.  

One was recognized as having an enviable figure, another a clear complexion; one had graceful hands while another had a winning smile. Every woman took home with her a long list of POSITIVES and compliments that she'd probably never recognized in herself.   

We are all PERFECT but different - talents, skills, personality traits, all UNIQUE!

Appreciate your positives 

Few of us will live up to what we perceive as 'beauty' but seeing yourself through the eyes of others boosts body confidence and helps to alleviate the negative comments you're used to hearing in your head.

Once you learn to recognize and appreciate your positive points you can allow yourself to be the kind friend to yourself that you are to others. 

Negative thoughts produce Negative Body Language

Positive thoughts produce Positive Body Language

N.B. Advice to Self!

This is the sort of advice you'd give to your best friend.

Are you equally kind to yourself?

Body confidence doesn't come from having a perfect body - it's embracing the one you've got!  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/body-confidence.html

Raise Body Image

You can start to raise body image and improve your self esteem TODAY - with just 5 simple steps. 

Don't put your life on hold 'til you've lost weight or you get the new job - life is short and putting things 'off' can become a habit. 

Body confidence doesn't come from having a perfect body - it's embracing the one you've got!  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/body-confidence.html

Positive Body Talk

Start from the inside out and discover what Nature is telling you.

Discover the positives that are pre-designed for you and create your own kind of Style Confidence. For YOU and your LIFESTYLE!

Body confidence doesn't come from having a perfect body - it's embracing the one you've got!  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/body-confidence.html

What is Body Talk?

BODY TALK is the very essence of you - Are you hearing it positively?

Or has the way you think about yourself and take care of yourself been influenced by your life and the way you're treated by those around you?

Body confidence doesn't come from having a perfect body - it's embracing the one you've got!  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/body-confidence.html

Love the skin you're in

When you look in the mirror are you over-critical of the way you look?

If people compliment you, do you believe them? The relationship we have with ourselves can be very confusing!

Body confidence doesn't come from having a perfect body - it's embracing the one you've got!  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/body-confidence.html

Real Women

What do you think other women look like? Do you think everyone is more attractive and more shapely than you?

Real Women look just like YOU and ME!

We come in every conceivable shape and size and every one of us has 'challenges' to overcome...

Body confidence doesn't come from having a perfect body - it's embracing the one you've got!  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/body-confidence.html

Pos Body Language

Are the messages your Body Language is sending out doing you justice?

A few guidelines will ensure that everyone has a positive reaction to your meeting and is left with a good impression. 

That First Impression?

You only get one chance to make a First Impression! Before you've opened your mouth, the way you're dressed and the way you behave is allowing others to form an opinion.

Up to 93% of what you say is non-verbal - so are you saying what you want to?

Listen to your body talk #body talk #body language https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/body-talk.html

The art of Body Love

Develop the art of Body Love - starting today...

Life is for living, don't put it on hold 'til you lose weight, get your teeth fixed or afford a new wardrobe.

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