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Flow Seasonal Color Analysis
Now what's that all about?

What exactly is Flow Seasonal Color Analysis?

FLOW SEASONAL COLOR ANALYSIS is just a way of admitting that Seasonal Color Analysis doesn't work for everyone.

Absolutely right it doesn't! Because the Seasonal color palettes are, or should be, very precise!

If you are lucky enough to be a TRUE SEASON then the colors are glorious.

But... if you are said to be FLOWING from one Season to another, then you are not a TRUE SEASON and both you and your color palette will be very confused.

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If you need to 'FLOW' ...

then you're in the wrong place!

The description of the SEASONS tends to be used very 'loosely' these days and sadly that means that the specifics are rarely precise.

Each Season is a mix of 3 Color Families, and the ensuing color palette is obviously a mix too. If this color palette isn't right for you and you need to 'FLOW' into another Season, then you are in the wrong color place!

Some people fit into the SEASONAL Color Families but some people need the TONAL Color Families. It's because we're individuals! 

Spring and Autumn are Warm
Summer and Winter are Cool
Warm and Cool can never flow together! 

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So we need to find a COMMON DENOMINATOR! 

If you're SPRING flowing into SUMMER... (or vice versa)

What a confusing statement, SPRING is Light, Warm and Bright; SUMMER is Light, Cool and Muted!

If Flow Seasonal Color Analysis is trying to link Spring with Summer, then perhaps we could find a common denominator.  The lovely LIGHT Color Family will give you the best of both Seasons and just the ones that are right for you.

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If you're SPRING flowing into AUTUMN...(or vice versa)

SPRING is Warm, Light and Bright; AUTUMN is Warm, Deep and Muted.

If Spring is too restrictive and Autumn is not right, you probably belong to the lovely WARM Color Family which gives you the best of both of these Seasons and a lot more colors to wear and enjoy.

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If you're SPRING flowing into WINTER...(or vice versa)

SPRING is Bright, Light and Warm; WINTER is Bright, Deep and Cool.

If you're not a Spring and not a Winter, both of which would restrict your color palette, you probably belong to the stunning BRIGHT (or Clear) Color Family which gives you the whole spectrum of clear colors to wear and enjoy. 

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If you're SUMMER flowing into AUTUMN...(or vice versa)

SUMMER is Muted (Soft), Light and Cool; AUTUMN is Muted, Deep and Warm - if you don't belong to either of these, then what do they have in common?

If you have softly blended coloring and can't find a fit then you probably belong to the elegant MUTED Color Family. You'll find all the dusky soft colors all in one place.

Flow Seasonal Color Analysis - how confusing? #flow seasons #color analysis #Seasonal color analysis  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/flow-seasonal-color-analysis.html

If you're SUMMER flowing into WINTER...(or vice versa)

All change - this is how confusing it can be? SUMMER is Cool, Light and Muted; WINTER is Cool, Deep and Bright

The common denominator here gives us the COOL Color Family which includes all the colors with a blue undertone, just like yours. Far more colors to enjoy than with either Summer or Winter.

Flow Seasonal Color Analysis - how confusing? #flow seasons #color analysis #Seasonal color analysis  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/flow-seasonal-color-analysis.html

If you're AUTUMN flowing into WINTER... (or vice versa)

AUTUMN is Deep, Warm and Muted; WINTER is Deep, Cool and Bright. Perhaps you find it difficult to determine whether you're Warm or Cool? The DEEP Color Family has elements of both, you just need to ensure that your colors are strong and deep.

Flow Seasonal Color Analysis - how confusing? #flow seasons #color analysis #Seasonal color analysis  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/flow-seasonal-color-analysis.html

To be a Season...

The color characteristics of the SEASONS are ALWAYS...

If you need to be 'flowed' into another season - then you're not a SEASON

The Tonals are likely to work...

If you've been determined with Flow Seasonal Color Analysis check out to see if the Tonal Color families work better.  You may be missing out on lots of additional colors.

  • Spring into Summer - LIGHT?
  • Spring into Autumn - WARM?
  • Summer into Winter - COOL?
  • Autumn into Winter - DEEP?
  • Autumn into Spring - WARM?
  • Winter into Summer - COOL?
  • Winter into Autumn - DEEP?

Confused by all this? Feel free to ask me a question...

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