Seasonal Color Analysis SUMMER is probably the prettiest of all the color palettes with the delicious and delicate tones of an English country garden.
As the fresh and warm tones of Spring give way to the sleepy days of Summer, the colors become soft and dreamy, seen through a 'heat haze'.
If your color characteristics are LIGHT, COOL and SOFT then these are the colors for you; nothing brash, just elegant and feminine.
When you echo your natural coloring in the clothes and makeup you wear you create Color Balance. Your skin and eyes will be clearer and brighter.
Although there is no firm definition of SUMMER coloring it is likely that:
HAIR: You will have been a child with white blonde, fair or light brown hair although it's now likely to have deepened a little. You may consider yourselr 'mousey' but the overall effect is cool and ashey. There is often a small amount of red in your hair but it's more flattering to play this down otherwise you may look sallow.
EYES: Your eyes could be light blue, blue grey, green grey, slate blue, even light hazel - all
softly greyed down - you may have a slightly darker rim around the iris.
SKIN TONE: Your skin tone will be fair to ivory, through to a medium beige but always with a Cool/blue undertone which gives pink tone to your complexion. You are likely to flush or blush easily. Avoid true beige foundation, it will 'flatten' your coloring, but choose color with a slight pink undertone.
Your skin and eyes are always clearer when you wear colors that echo your natural coloring. A bloom will return to your cheeks, you'll look younger and more attractive.
English country garden colors of mauves, blues, violets, pinks are far too pretty and soft for many people but you need this delicacy otherwise your fair coloring could be overpowered.
Although your colors are COOL, they are the lightest and softest of the COOL palette. Light and gentle does not mean pastel just a light intensity; not heavily saturated.
The soft berry shades and sea green are deeper than you might expect but the effect is subtle and almost sultry.
Your grey and navy neutrals are lighter than those from other palettes but strong enough for your gentle coloring.
Your most flattering colors:
Your best neutrals:
gentle colors of the Summer palette do not restrict you to hot
weather but lend themselves just as easily to soft warm fabrics in the colder months.
What to avoid:
How to cope with the wrong colors:
The SUMMER Color Brief is ready to download and print out with all the concise information you need to start wearing and enjoying the SUMMER Color Family.
With 30 colors, advice for makeup, hair, jewelry and glasses frames. It also comes with a printable color swatch so you can make it up into an mirror image of the fabric swatch.
This is a digital product.
How to recognize and understand how the Seasons work together - with all 4 Seasonal Color Briefs and 4 color swatches.
Spring Summer Autumn and Winter Seasons - 4 for the price of 3.
For each Season you will discover how to wear and enjoy the colors, advice for makeup, hair, jewelry and glasses frames.
PLUS a 30 shade color swatch (33 for Autumn) ready to download and makeup into a mirror image of the fabric swatch.
The Summer color fan holds 30 precision dyed fabric color swatches which fan out to show the whole range of harmonizing
shades (shown in the square).
The fan is practical and easy to use, 12.5cm x 6.5cm, finished in a suede style cover and comes with a wealth of information about co-ordination, cosmetics, accessories etc.
Don't think that your choice is now limited, between these colors there are literally hundreds of shades and tones just like an artist's palette.
Select your Season from the drop-down menu
Postage and packing is £2.25
Select your Season from the drop-down menu
Postage & packing for Tracked safety £8.85
Select your Season from the drop-down menu
Postage & packing for Tracked safety £9.75
A brand new color swatch is exciting but often engenders PANIC! What next?
It can be really difficult to visualize how all the beautiful color shades will actually transform themselves into an outfit and find their way into your wardrobe!
Let me guide you through the days following your Color Analysis.
My best colors are from the SUMMER seasonal palette, and although some people may think that the colors are all wishy washy this proves that they're not!
Summer colors are Cool, Light and Soft, not harsh - but dull - NEVER!
Don't think that your beautiful color range is just for the floaty or lightweight garments of high Summer!
Amongst this wide range of subtle almost sensual shades, there are many colors that will happily lend themselves to the heavier items you need for the colder months.
Sadly, Seasonal Color Analysis is often not determined correctly. If
you've been analyzed Light Summer, Cool Summer or Soft summer then you may not be a true SUMMER at all and your color palette is
likely to be diluted.
Not feeling comfortable with your palette check out the details of 12 Seasons Color Analysis ...
The Flow Seasons?? What's that all about?
If you've been analyzed as 'flowing' from one season into another then you may not be a Season at all!
Homepage >> Seasonal Analysis >> Summer