This page invites you to ask anything you like regarding Looking Good and Feeling Good. I don't know everything but I'll do my best!
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I'll do my best to answer any query you have about Looking Good and Feeling Good.
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Summer or Soft
Thank you for your wonderfully informative and straightforward site. I've been through the Colour Analysis wringer over the past ten years …
Freckles and rosacea
I think I have a neutral undertone but it's hard to tell with light golden freckles and rosacea on my face. I have been typed as an Autumn …
Autumn hair going grey!
Hi! I’m an Autumn going gray.
I have med/fair golden skin tone. Hazel eyes with muted blue-green base, gold and rust around iris …
Soft Winter? Where does this sit?
Dear Pamela
Having been thus described, I am curious to know where a so-called 'Soft Winter' would fall in your system.
There are …
In dire need of advice!
Hi, Pamela!
I almost don't know where to begin. I don't know if you can help me at this point. I understand you can't do an in-depth Color Analysis …
Growing out colored hair and Color Analysis
To transition from dyed brown hair to grey, I got highlights which are lighter and yellower than my natural regrowth. The contrast between …
Seasonal or Tonal Analysis - which shall I follow
I have light coppery/blond hair, dark blue eyes with a yellow sunburst around the pupil and a darker rim around the outside. Over the years …
Dark Hair in a Light Season
I would like to know your opinion about the possibility of a 'Light' having darkish brown hair, a mixture of warm and cool tones? There are …
Most Summer, but skin too yellow?
I am having a very difficult time determining my Season, always have.
My hair is a medium brown, but does have some golden to brassiness …
Colour seasons for older women
I have silver hair with slightly golden streaks, light brown eyes, medium coloured skin which tans in summer and I'm aged 74. What season …
Inconsistencies in Color Family details
In the free test I said I was fair/pale skin toned etc.. and came out Deep. However, in your description of understanding color, you said …
Capsule Wardrobe Plan for Spring
Do you have a capsule wardrobe for a Spring or Soft Spring please?
Hi Kathy
There's an easy way to get your Spring capsule …
Shopping in the U.S.A.
Is there a shop like Kettlewell Colours that is US based? I love the option to shop and sort by my color palette. Thanks!
Makeup for Muted coloring
Hi Pamela
I have a question about makeup. Being that I'm in the Muted color family which is both Summer and Fall I'm a bit confused on …
When your Spring hair goes grey?
I have been confirmed as a bright spring 4 times since 1985, and I have lived happily with my palette. I'm now 57 and coloring my hair. At …
Soft Autumn and wearing Black
I've been identified as Soft Autumn. However, I just can not get rid of black in my wardrobe.
With the make up on it does not look that bad as …
How often can I blow dry my hair without damage?
How often can I blow dry my hair to straighten it without causing it any kind of harm, either in the long term or short term?
Kay …
How detailed can you be with Color Analysis?
Have you heard of Extended Color Analysis and the 38 types of Ethnic?
You know the types of color sunlit soft autumn, dusty soft autumn, smokey …
Makeup for Springs
Would you be able to recommend a makeup line for Spring? I am fascinated by the Tom Ford line of makeup. But I would rather reflect my …
Autumn coloring with Grey hair
I am an Autumn with olive skin dark brown eyes. I stopped coloring my hair which is now silvery white grey in the front and salt and pepper …
How to identify Color Characteristics
Can you help me to identify some of the tonal qualities in the Color Circles? Some are not so obvious to me.
This is the area I get stumped …
Small boned frame versus Fat body
I have read your entry on adapting clothing after bone frame.
Does this always apply?
Well, as a young woman, I was very slender and …
Advice for tall lady
I'm 6'2" with broad shoulders, small bust, 36 inseam, long arms, shoe size 11 1/2 2AA (narrow), turning 60 in April. I have no fashion sense …
Make up colors for Soft Autumn
I am a Soft Autumn. Is it right to wear a Rose blusher and lipstick if they are soft. They seem to look better than a coral blush and lipstick? …
What is my Season?
I can't figure out my season. I have warm/muted hazel eyes, and warm hair, but cool to neutral pale skin with some pink (definitely not warm …
Asian skin and Undertones (warm/cool, clear/soft, deep/light)
Do Asians count as the deep undertone sides or as the light undertone sides? Some of us tend to have more sun-kissed skin while others have …
What are the color of my eyes for the Free Color Analysis quiz?
In the Free Color Analysis Quiz - "What color are your eyes? My eyes are gray (slightly green) and brown. Should I choose the hazel (it has the brown around …
Warm or cool skin tone Not rated yet
Hi Pamela,
I've tried the quizz for the skin tone and I am so confused.
I seem to be 50/50. Is that possible?
I have natural warm red hair, getting …
Tonal analysis Not rated yet
Do you offer tonal analysis on its own if we want to know tone rather than season?
Hi there Allison
Haha …
Vertical and horizontal body Not rated yet
I have a congenital defect in my neck making my neck slightly shorter and I have shoulders that are very square and raise up at the end making my neck …
Dress for your Body Shape Not rated yet
How does one dress when not fitting into any of the body shapes? I was analyzed as a "Soft Straight" years ago. Straight body with no bum …
Trousers for Apple shape Not rated yet
I think I'm an Apple. What style of trousers would be best for me. I', only 5 feet tall.# and 66 years young.
Many thanks
Cool Magic Colors Not rated yet
What is the Magic Color for those of us classified as Cool.? You might have posted it already but I haven’t found it.
If one is classified …
Autumn or part of Autumn? Not rated yet
I was colored analysis by another person. I got medium, soft and cool. I’m thinking I might be soft Autumn because it is only category for …
Cambio de color de cabello - Change of hair color Not rated yet
I received this message from Maria in Chile.
Era de tez blanca , pálida, ojos pardos claros y cabello castaño oscuro. Me deje las canas y …
My Season colors - do they change Not rated yet
I had my colors done years ago and have loved knowing which colors look best on me. I had auburn hair (dyed), green eyes and light but freckled …
Style? Can I combine Boho and Steampunk? Not rated yet
I know my colors or season. I am a summer and I love those colors on me. My issue is I am retired now and no longer need to present myself in the classic …
Summer colours Not rated yet
I know I’m a Summer as I suit the summer colours but when it gets more specific for example soft summer or true summer I no longer suit the colours. …
grey hair and colors Not rated yet
I had my colors "done" in the 80s and was told that I was a spring/autumn - warm colors. I had medium brown hair and I have worn these colors …
Winter casual wardrobe Not rated yet
How do you incorporate a winter palette into casual clothing for a casual lifestyle?
Hi Michele
Lovely to hear from you!
If Winter colors …
Identifying colors from a Fabric Swatch Not rated yet
Happy New Year, Pamela--
I'm so loving my Bright colors! I notice that we must be rare--only a couple of us among the customers presented so far. It …
Transitioning to grey Not rated yet
Hello Pamela
I have been told by my Hairdresser and my daughter that my hair is salt and pepper. That's OK, but is it Cool or Warm? …
Compare to House of Colour! Not rated yet
I was recommended you as I struggle with seasonal colour analysis and knowing what suits me.
I was diagnosed as a burnished …
How to cover my arms? Not rated yet
I have a black, sleeveless, sheath dress. I need ideas on how to cover my arms in winter, and be funeral appropriate. I am 65 yrs old, …
White and the Deep color palette Not rated yet
I believe I belong to the Deep Tonal Color Family. I am not only Cool or Warm, but Neutral with my skin's undertone.
My friend thinks …
A Soft, Gentle Winter Not rated yet
Dear Pamela,
There are those that swear there can be no such thing as a Soft or Gentle Winter; that they would have to be a very dark Summer.
But …
Color characteristics Not rated yet
You present the color possibilites as
Colour analysis' conflicting advice Not rated yet
I have “had my colours done” twice, one determine that I am a Winter and the other determining that I was an Autumn.
I went grey early …
Autumn? but would like confirmation Not rated yet
I'm 84 YO and still love fashion and looking great! When I was younger my natural hair color was a brown with a little gold or red but I've been …
Hair color for a Cool Winter Not rated yet
I am a 60 something Cool Winter looking for a hair color recommendation.
In my youth, I had dark hair, light skin, and green eyes with …
Eye color Not rated yet
Could you, please, explain the difference between blue green and teal eyes. This has created confusion for me in trying to determine my seasonal …
What are the best dresses for a spring with an apple shape body Not rated yet
Qestion What are the best clothes for a warm spring with an apple body shape?
Answer Hi Annie
I can see in your photograph that you have a good …
Conflicting Color Analysis Not rated yet
I was draped as an Autumn in the late 80s. I just went through a different color analysis - before I found your website - and was labeled …
Summer! Can I wear both muted and clear colours? Not rated yet
I was misdiagnosed as a Winter when my hair was dyed darker but found the colours overwhelming.
I now realise I’m a Summer. My confusion lies …
Winter man and brown shoes? Not rated yet
Q I am a Deep Winter (Indian man). If tan and camel are not my colours, are they valid for shoes? Because if not then what will I pair with light or …
Winter pallet - wearing grey Not rated yet
I consider myself to be a clear winter. However I am unsure how to wear grey. I put that color on & it washes me out. Is there a something …
Help for Chameleons Not rated yet
I struggle with seasonal and tonal color analysis because all of my features are variable and not well defined--except my fair skin. I have …
Self color analysis Not rated yet
My characteristics are quite in the middle of the different spectrums that determine a person’s colors. I’m not quite light or deep, but …
Clear winter and Deep winter - what's the difference? Not rated yet
Please could you tell me the difference between a clear winter and a deep winter - is it true the deep winter does not have very pale skin? …
Bright or Muted coloring Not rated yet
Hi there,
For a while, i have been reading about Seasonal Color Analysis and trying to understand it. The rules seem so strict to me. you …
What bathing suit to wear Not rated yet
I have a warm undertone I'm tan and I have hazel/ green eyes and brown hair. My shoulders are sorta broad and my arms defined. My waist is …
Deep Autumn or Warm Winter? Not rated yet
I’m a redhead with brown eyes. I’ve been told I’m a warm winter and a deep autumn. Which is it? I need help. I’ve spent 13 years in uniform, so trying …
Cool or Warm Not rated yet
Hello, I would like to know if I have warm or cool undertones. I'm very pale. However, I have mainly green, but also some blue/purple veins on my arms. …
Hair dye Not rated yet
Hi I Have been colour analysed as clear and contrasting. I want to dye my hair to cover grey coming throughome. What shade of brown dye should I Ask …
Flowing? Not rated yet
I am having trouble figuring out what my color analysis truly is. For the most part, I match some type of Winter but not completely. …
Where would you place someone who is neutral medium and bright? Not rated yet
Where would you place someone who is neutral medium and bright?
Hi Sandra
I'm afraid that's …
Going GREY and losing COOL contrast Not rated yet
I am very confused about my hair color and eyes. My eyes a deep gray brown or dark brown,(rim color is very dark-but one can see color variations …
Like dark colors and feel they make me look slimmer? Not rated yet
I'm always drawn to dark background colours but Black now seems to drain me and my friends remark that I don't often wear colour.
I have …
Head height vs total body height? Not rated yet
I wonder if the head size compared to body length has anything to say concerning what style type a person is. With style type I mean: Dramatic, …
What are my colors? Not rated yet
Which could be my season? Autumn, Spring or Winter?
Hi Daniela
Thank you for contacting me and your photos are lovely.
But I'm sorry I'm not …
What is my style? Not rated yet
Hi Pamela.
I have a question regarding my personal style. I don't know what to call it.
I am an hourglass and I am short. I have …
Wearing more than one color family Not rated yet
I did the online test and I think I am the light color family. Years ago I found out that I am a summer. Can I wear the light colors and …
Indian Trouser style Not rated yet
Hello - I'm a petite apple shape with broad shoulders and heavy upper arms and am looking for the right trouser type to pair with a …
Business Casual v Smart Casual Not rated yet
Can you discuss what Smart Casual really is and how it differs from Business Casual.
Hi Julie
That question has really …
Classic v City Chic look Not rated yet
Hey Pamela,
Classic and CityChic styles really look very alike to me.
What are the differences?
Hello Ing-Marie
All …
Finding my perfect ACCENT color Not rated yet
I would love to find my perfect accent color. I wear a lot of Black because it's easy, but I want to pare down to a capsule of black, white, …
Which Winter am I? Not rated yet
I've known I was a winter since way back in the 80s before the cool, bright and deep categories. Is there a place where I can find questions …
Warm Muted but feel good in Warm Bright Not rated yet
Hi Pamela
I'm reasonably sure, and admit to myself, that I am Warm Muted but the colors drag me down emotionally, especially in …
Body shape Not rated yet
I'm 5'8.
Weigh 136.
Shoulders are 40".
Busthe & hips are 37.5 each.
Waist 30".
My butt is medium and my legs are slender with some …
Flabby arms Not rated yet
I'm 46 years fatty. I am fond of sleeveless dress. But I feel hesitant considering my flabby arms. Please advise me suitably.
Is it possible to change Seasons? Not rated yet
Wondering I can change season as I get older, say from an Autumn to a Spring?
Hi Gail
Well, you certainly can't change your genetic makeup …
Personal style Not rated yet
Hi Pamela
I've read all the style types on your site and come to the conclusion that my style is Romantic. I do dress similar to Jane Seymour but I …
How does bust position affect bodyshape? Not rated yet
Hi Pamela
I have another question about bodyshape and bust position.
1. Measuring without a bra my breasts lay flat on my chest, measuring about …
Foundation shades for a muted/soft Not rated yet
I have been told that I am almost every shade in the book - warm, cool, deep, spring. I have finally worked out that almost all colors in the soft category …
Colour Swatches Not rated yet
I am a confirmed Spring. I am wanting to purchase colour swatches. I did have one at one point but now just have pieces of it.
Thanks for …
Boots UK colour match service Not rated yet
Hi Pamela
Do you have experience with the Boots UK colour matching foundation service? I did it 3 times now and have been matched to cool Ivory and …
Clothes colour to wear with white hair Not rated yet
My hair started to go white when I was 39. I am now 65 and have never coloured it as, very luckily, it's a beautiful colour and gets many positive …
Clothing suggestions for cold weather Not rated yet
Hi Pamela,
I just found your site and I'm really enjoying it. I went to school close to where you live.
My question is this: what suggestions or …
Thought I'd be Deep but I'm Cool... Not rated yet
Hi there - really enjoying your site, thank you so much!
I'm finding it hard to believe I'm cool, I thought I would be deep? I don't have …
Can a person have Warm and Cool characteristics? Not rated yet
Hi. I just discovered your site. I have heard that a person can have "warm" and "cool". If they have blue eyes that is always a cool color, …
Does a tan change your coloring? Not rated yet
Hi Pamela
I thought about this today as I was out in the sun for the first time this year and got a bit sun burnt. Being as I'm a Light …
Is there more than one "right" effect of your best colors? Not rated yet
I get comments that a certain color gives my appearance a "soft focus" effect. It sounds great, since soft focus is often used in photographs …
Can I be Warm and Cool? Not rated yet
I have taken a couple of other tests and believe that I may be a Warm Spring. But feel that I also like cool colors. Powder pink and rose …
Jackets for narrow shoulders Not rated yet
I am a size 10 with small narrow shoulders. I need to find jackets/blazers that have shoulder pads already in them to start smart for work …
Cool but told I have yellow undertones! Not rated yet
I am so confused. Can I be cool and still have yellow undertones? I've always been labeled cool, but now a beauty consultant told me I have …
Doubts about my Color Analysis Not rated yet
A few years back, my color 1 analyst put me in 'muted.' However, as a green eyed redhead (eyes are dark blue outer ring with amber inner …
How far can we push contrast in clothing colors? Not rated yet
Your quiz put me in the warm category. Indeed I look amazing in spicy tones like mustard and rich rust. However I find myself constantly …
Cool and Clear Winter Not rated yet
Having trouble distinguishing between cool winter and clear winter. Can wear most yellows but never liked any browns or oranges or any greens …
Warm but not enough Colors to work with! Not rated yet
Help. I am fed up of going shopping and not being able to choose the right clothing. I have had my colours done before and came out as …
Can I be a mix of Tonal groups? Not rated yet
If I understand correctly, in tonal analysis you wll belong to one of the 6 groups. And if you have elements of 3, you may be a season.
Color Analysis - 2 different results Not rated yet
I have had my colours done by two different consultants. The first consultant said I was a cool summer, and the second a clear …
Can you explain the colour PLUM in my Summer swatch? Not rated yet
Hello Pamela
Thank you for a rich, informative, and educational website.
I've written to Kettlewell Colours with this question …
Grey hair Not rated yet
Does my salt and pepper hair still keep me in my cool category? I am exhausted with trying to figure out where I belong, but the silver haired …
Style, Color Analysis, Hair Not rated yet
1 I have a Warm tone and jet black hair with dark brown eyes and I think I am a Fall (Autumn). It's quite confusing when I read …
Upper Arm Fat but I want to wear a sleeveless dress! Not rated yet
Is there something I can wear that disguises my arm fat and makes it look firmer so I can wear a sleeveless dress?
Hello …
Can a Deep wear Cool and Warm makeup? Not rated yet
Some time ago I was analyzed as a Winter season but the Winter makeup is not good on me. Now I have been analyzed as a Deep Autumn - so I …
Lost my sense of Style Not rated yet
I’m a 31 single mother with 3 amazing and beautiful teenage girls. I think I’m apple shaped but not sure because when I go back down to my …
Work outfit in male dominated environment Not rated yet
I work with engineers who dress down for the job so I've adopted a comfortable casual look to blend in with them. My day to day outfit is …
Boots for Body Shape Not rated yet
Are there tricks with shoes and boots that help or hinder body shapes?
Hi there
It's all about creating an overall shape …
Clear or Soft - how can we compare? Not rated yet
How can we compare a Clear person contra a Soft?
I always thought it easy to distinguish between the two - Clears have jewel type eyes …
Eyebrows Not rated yet
I have light strawberry blonde light-reflecting eyebrows. When filling them in with brown pencil that sheen goes away and the brows appear …
Colour combinations Not rated yet
I recently had myself analysed for colour and came out as a deep, cool, bright. Can you suggest any great colour combinations I can use …
Cool blonde with brown eyes? Not rated yet
Can one be Cool toned with blonde hair and brown eyes?
Hi Sandra
Yes you can have cool skin with any coloring but Cool …
Help with defining Body Type Not rated yet
I'm having a little difficulty defining my body type.
I am 5'7" and I carry weight around my stomach and I have a muffin top. I'm thinking …
Color Family Confusion Not rated yet
I have blue eyes, natural dark blonde hair that I lighten, dark golden skin that tans fast, dark and easily. I look half dead in off white. …
Can I be Bright with Light hair? Not rated yet
So do you know or have ever met one Bright person (you know, there is, light, deep, muted, bright, cool and warm) with dark eyes and natural …
How can I brighten my Cool toned hair? Not rated yet
I'm Cool, have mid brown short hair but would like to color it / brighten it up for the Summer. Any suggestions please?
Hi …
Mini Swatches Not rated yet
Do you think you could make avaliable mini swatches of family colors like 'bright spring' or 'deep winter'? with 18 colors?
City Holiday capsule packing Not rated yet
What to take on holiday if you're a Petite Hourglass and only have limited space.
We are going to Washington, Philidelphia and New York …
Bright coloring downloadable 18 Color Swatch Not rated yet
Hi Pamela,
Loving this site! I've just downloaded the pdf for bright colours and the Navy swatch is printing as black. Would you mind …
Lost my body shape - just feel fat! Not rated yet
I'm confused about how your body shape can remain the same your whole life if, for instance, you add weight so your waist disappears in a …
Body is 3-dimensional - why not talk of "body depth"? Not rated yet
As you write on your blog, there are two ways of measuring body shapes - Vertical and Horizontal.
Vertical shapes are divided in sections …
The Seasons are not always right! Not rated yet
A Spring might always be Light or Warm or Bright. In my younger days I probably was a Spring but now I am not. I am Light, Warm and Muted …
Stopped dying my hair and finding color difficult... Not rated yet
I have grey hair, green/brown eyes and medium complexion. Since I've stopped dying my hair, I've found it really difficult to know what colours …
Lost my confidence following a stroke... Not rated yet
Hi - I'm size 26 and live in leggings and baggy tops I had a stroke 2 years ago and lost all my confidence but I'm only 47 and want to start …
Spring but thrown by Tonal Color Quiz Not rated yet
I have always worn Spring colors well but am confused by the Tonal categories rather than Seasonal in the Color Quiz.
I can't figure out my season. Not rated yet
I can't figure out my season. I have both warm and cool undertone and have hazel eyes but not brown more on the green side. I can wear my …
Am I Deep or Cool? Not rated yet
Laurel asks...
I believe I belong to the Deep colour family however I came back as Cool in the free Color Analysis Quiz. I am a woman of colour, …
Soft Autumn confusion Not rated yet
I have been draped as a Soft Autumn. Does that mean I am able to wear soft and muted colors of the cool and warm makeup colors in lipstick and blush? I …
I'm Spring do I flow into any other Season? Not rated yet
I am a Spring and it really makes sense to me. I've tried taking several self analysis quizzes and could never choose what my dominant quality …
Am I Light or Cool? Not rated yet
I can't decide if I'm in the Light or Cool color family. My skin is pink toned and hair is light brown to med brown. It isn't as contrasting …
Loving it but in a muddle with color! Not rated yet
I am having so much fun doing this! Thank you...I am a little confused as the test says I am warm... I look much better in silver as gold …
Hair Color for a Summer? Not rated yet
I'm a cool maybe Summer. I have naturally medium brown/ashy/neutral hair. I'm wanting to dye my hair after being a golden blonde (yuk). …
Warm or Muted now I'm going grey? Not rated yet
I'm really enjoying your website but have a question about Warms going grey and not willing to dye. I would very much like your opinion on …
Is it possible to be all 4 seasons? Not rated yet
I have been told I'm Autumn, burnished Winter, light autumn, soft!
Dear Susan
I have never ever been asked …
Dark hair am I Deep? Not rated yet
I have dark hair does that mean my coloring is Deep?
Hello Stella
We are all very individual in our genetic makeup and …
Hair is not working with my skin tone! Not rated yet
I’m really having problems managing the color of my hair as it doesn’t seem to be working with my Autumn skin tone. If I use Blonde or Dark …
Is there something between Classic and Romantic Style? Not rated yet
I've done a few quizzes in the past and looked at your pages and always seem to be a Classic personality – only I feel that’s a bit boring! …
How can I look older for my honeymoon? Not rated yet
I’m in my 30’s but people think I look years younger and I don't think I'm taken seriously sometimes.
I am an outdoors sort of person, …
Can I still wear white? Not rated yet
I'm Cool but my best friend told me recently not to wear white anymore now I'm getting older. She said it was OK if broken up by a scarf …
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