Color Analysis Cool - Is this your color palette?
Looking your best starts with understanding your natural coloring and echoing it with the the colors you wear. Translate it further still into the colors you use for your hair and makeup.
If you are Color Analysis COOL, you will always look your
best when you're wearing rose or blue toned shades that echo your Cool blue undertone.
Colors with a Warm or golden undertone can make your complexion look quite yellow - and you look ill.
COOL is your Color Family and your color direction.
If you've landed on this page you are certainly drawn to some of these colors! You might even have been analyzed as Summer or Winter. But...
You probably feel that SUMMER colors are pretty but they're too soft and dusky!
You probably feel that WINTER colors are stunning but too harsh for you!
Although the COOL color palette encompasses many of the shades from the Summer and Winter palettes, they have other elements that don't relate.
Only the true COOL shades from Summer and Winter are included. If your complexion is fair then the lighter shades will be pretty near your face, if your coloring is stronger then the deeper shades will echo your natural contrast.
But this is by no means always the case as it's often mood and occasion that influences your choice of colors.
Can you match your coloring and discover that you're COOL?
overall look: can be misleading and, at times, you might feel colorless,
sallow or even florid. A change of tone brings it all into perspective and
you will find your natural coloring enhanced by the glorious colors in this palette.
Your eyes: will be blue, grey blue, green or blue green. They may even be rose brown - whichever, they will all have a grey cast with a darker rim around the iris.
Your Skin tone: is likely to be ivory, rose beige through to mid beige. If you find that a true beige foundation looks very 'flat' on you, this is because you have a blue/pink undertone to your skin and need to look for a modicum of pink in the foundation. Your veins will probably appear blue.
Your Hair: is light to medium brown - always with ash tones. No hair is 100% cool so a few red highlights may occur naturally but if you want to add highlights keep them Cool, ash toned.
To look your best you should re-create your natural coloring in the clothes you wear - this creates COLOR BALANCE.
As the COOL color family has the same color characteristic as yourself, it shows you the most flattering shades of each color. This works for both clothes and makeup.
Whether the colors are lighter or stronger, it is the COOL characteristic which always dominates.
It can be difficult to visualize how the colors from your swatch come together in an outfit.
For some real visual inspiration take a look at a beautiful range of jersey separates and dresses which bring your Color Swatch to life from Kettlewell Colours.
They are presented in sections for Summer and Winter but these colors are all Cool even if some are soft and some are stronger.
If you don't know the best colors for you there's lots of information in the Cool Color Brief or on the Cool color swatch. Understanding is the key!
But there's really no reason why you can't wear and enjoy them all according to your mood and occasion.
Although every single person with cool coloring won't look the same, their primary characteristic will always be a cool ash tone.
The cool and sophisticated tones of your COLOR FAMILY will match and enhance your natural cool coloring.
Your skin will look fresh and clear, your eyes brighter and the shade of your hair more intense as you create Color Balance.
Your most flattering colors are always those with a blue undertone.
If you particularly like some of the 'colors to avoid' or they are fashionable, simply keep them away from your face and team them with sharper cool tones.
There are always ways to make things work; a scarf of your cool tones near to your face, a collar over a jacket, even a pair of white pearl earrings will introduce COOL tones.
Although there's no such thing as 'blue blood', with cool skin your veins will appear blue. On a warm skin the veins will appear more green.
Both our QUEEN and our beautiful FUTURE QUEEN have Cool coloring and although Kate's eyes are a different color she enjoys wearing many of the same colors as the Queen.
Perhaps there is something about BLUE-BLOOD after all!
If you're not sure of your color family, you might want to consider Color Analysis.
Find a good professional for a face to face consultation or take a look at my Online Color Analysis where I work with both Tonal and Seasonal Color Families to ensure that your natural coloring is accurately determined. You might also like to read the Testimonials from satisfied clients.
It's September and the stores are traditionally full of delicious shades of pumpkin and mustard, olive and camel. But these shades are far from flattering to Cool coloring.
So let's highlight some brilliant color combinations and fresh ideas from the Summer, Winter and Cool color palettes.
If you have a COOL skin tone then strangely enough it shows as a pink toned complexion!
The undertone is the layer under your skin which influences the overall look of your natural coloring and it always stays the same.
Makeup is all color. And choosing cool makeup is just like choosing an outfit for your face, after all it's the first place everyone looks.
Just follow your color direction and it's easy to find the colors that allow you to shine.
It's easy to get excited about a Color Swatch and, certainly, the Cool color palette is very wide.
But until you clarify your basic (almost boring) neutral shades, it's impossible to begin any kind of color co-ordination.
The COOL Color Brief is ready to download and print out with all the concise information you need to start wearing and enjoying the COOL Color Family.
With 45 colors, advice for makeup, hair, jewelry and glasses frames. It also comes with a printable color swatch so you can make it up into an mirror image of the fabric swatch.
This is a digital product.
A FULLY ILLUSTRATED digital book clearly explaining Tonal Color Analysis. How to identify your primary color characteristic and translate it into a complementary group of colors i.e. your most obvious Color Family.
A 60 page book with detailed information for each Tonal Color Family. You can even print out, make up and laminate your own color swatch.
It explains how your natural coloring works and how you are linked to a particular Color Family; how to wear and enjoy your best colors, How to recognize your neutrals and accent shades; it shows you how to choose your best makeup colors, hair shades and even how to select jewelry to flatter you.
This book is a digital download
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