The twisted and curly shaft of Afro textured hair (often known as Afro American hair) is particularly susceptible to damage.
In it's unaltered state, when it hasn't been altered by electrical tools, straighteners, perming or relaxing etc. it has an extremely wiry and twisted structure.
It is, therefore, more difficult for the oils to work their way from the scalp to the ends of the individual hair and this makes it dryer and more prone to breakage.
It's suggested that you wash your hair at intervals of no more than say a week to a week and a half as any more will dry it out even more.
Regular oiling and massaging of the scalp using a good natural oil is recommended to stimulate circulation and oil production with an additional deep hot oil treatment once a month.
Whatever your hair texture if you're trying to make it strong and healthy you need to ensure that you look after yourself properly. Hair is a product of your overall health and diet, exercise and healthy blood circulation nourish the hair follicles to keep it beautiful and healthy.
However, due to the formation of the hair shaft, Afro textured hair needs even more special care.
The majority of black hair styles involve parting the hair into individual sections before braiding, cornrows etc. but research shows that much of this excessive styling can be harmful to the hair and scalp. It's really important to keep the hair moisturized, have it trimmed regularly and use as little heat as possible to prevent breakage.
Check out some secrets to growing your Afro textured hair longer faster...