Autumn hair going grey!

by Angie


Hi! I’m an Autumn going gray.

I have med/fair golden skin tone. Hazel eyes with muted blue-green base, gold and rust around iris with ‘freckles’. My natural hair color is a pretty neutral light/ medium brown and my grays are a very white silver.

Should I stop wearing many of the shades I used to look good in? I don’t want to look washed out or frumpy. Thank you for your help!



Hi Angie

There is no earthly reason why you should not continue to enjoy your Autumn colors with grey hair. As long as you are still feeling good in them! It's not just your hair that makes up your color palette your eyes and skin are very important too and are likely to maintain your contrast.

The transition period and adjusting can be a difficult time. If you feel that the colors begin to overwhelm you, take a little more care with your makeup and perhaps wear a brighter lipstick to maintain the brightness.

Wear your prettiest and most flattering colors close to your face rather than neutrals to warm up your complexion.

As your hair appears to be adopting a silvery tone it's very likely that your contrast will increase again and you regain more brightness.

Two suggestions:

Several of the ladies featured here in Real Women Going Grey have Autumn coloring.

Take a look at the Warm Color Family which takes the heaviness out of the Autumn colors leaving the pure mellow warmth.

Your coloring sounds lovely with bright eyes and silver hair I don't think you will go far wrong.

I hope this helps Angie.

kind regards

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Oct 31, 2022
We're all different!
by: Anonymous

You make a good point and it happens, but we are all different.

As long as you are still feeling good in your colors there is no necessity to change for the sake of it. If the colors are beginning to overwhelm you then of course it may be necessary to look at adjusting.

It's rare that anyone would actually change from Warm Autumn to Cool Summer but they do have an element of Soft/Muted in common and sometimes, of course, mistakes are made with the initial analysis.

I frequently come across people determined Autumn when they actually have cool eyes and it hasn't been spotted!

Oct 29, 2022
Just my 2 cents
by: Anonymous

I'm not a professional, so this is my own opinion. Personally I think gray hair with soft skin and eyes don't work well with warm hair anymore. It looks off balance to me. I know of another consultant, Lucinda Law, who was once a warm Autumn like her daughter. Her skin and eyes are so much lighter now with the gray hair, she transitioned into a Summer. She draped herself in both palettes so we can clearly see she's better in cool. It all depends on how much of your color markers are gone. If you are between two seasons, you can start mixing in a few cool muted colors and drop out the warmest ones. An Autumn manager at Kettlewell switched to Summer after going gray. He even wrote an article about it on their blog. You may want to check it out.

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