Autumn or part of Autumn?

by Geraldine


I was colored analysis by another person. I got medium, soft and cool. I’m thinking I might be soft Autumn because it is only category for blue eyes.

Long time ago, I went to Color me Beautiful. The lady says I’m an Autumn. Now it’s a new thing, soft Autumn, true Autumn and Deep Autumn. My hair is dark and my eyes are deep. My analysis is very difficult because my eyes are very dark hazel.
No one could find the right color analysis for me. I have beige skin. I sunburned easily. I just don’t understand why it’s so hard! Do you think I’m soft or true? I look the best in peach and it brightens me up!


Hi Geraldine

I'm a little confused as you say that you have blue eyes and then that your eyes are hazel! It's very difficult to me to determine from the photo you included!

You were analyzed as an Autumn long ago and have obviously been happy with those colors. You can safely ignore the idea that you need to be Soft, Warm or Deep Autumn, you don't! That only gives you half the story and dilutes the glorious Autumn colors. My advice would be that if you are happy to continue with the Autumn colors just carry on and enjoy them, don't worry!

Hope that helps,
kind regards

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