Be safe in the sun...
Most women protect their families, but often forget to be as vigilant for themselves. Whatever your age, it's just as important to protect yourself and be safe in the SUN!
Protect, relax and enjoy...
- To be safe in the sun women of all skin tones need to be vigilant about the alarming growth in skin cancer statistics
- Streamline your routine and get into the habit of applying protection regularly
- Sunscreen should be the first thing you apply to
your skin after cleansing
- Follow your bath or shower with a Sunscreen
before using body lotion
- If you're sunbathing a factor of at least 30 is recommended - follow with body lotion if liked.
- Not in the sun directly but still out and about -
make it a easy and try a body lotion with inbuilt SPF factor
- Problems often occur when enough Sunscreen isn't
applied or not applied frequently enough
- Choose a sunscreen that's right for your skin type
- Ensure you have both UVB and UVA protection
- Apply it before you go out and reapply regularly
- Avoid the sun at it's hottest between 11 am and 3 pm
Sunscreen products get better all the time...
You can find every level of protection for both children and adults. So
whether you like oil, cream or milk, a spray or a bottle, a consistency
that's quickly absorbed - you'll find an effective sunscreen that suits.
Stores such as Walgreens or Boots have a wide range - there are products specifically for the face that you can apply as a moisturizer and be quite safe if you want to wear sunscreen with makeup.
If you wear a self tanning product you will still need to wear sun protection.
How much Sunscreen to be safe in the sun?
- The biggest problem is that people don't use enough, frequently enough! Most of us hurriedly slap on a small amount of product and don't take the time to ensure that all necessary parts of the body are properly protected.
- An
person of 5ft 4inches should apply about 30ml in one application -
that's not a small blob - it could actually be a tenth of your 300ml
- To be safe in the sun, apply sunscreen 15-30 minutes before you go out.
- Apply before you put on your clothes, and be thorough!
Remember often neglected places like your ears, the back of your neck, and
behind your knees. Re-apply 15 minutes after you go out into the sun – think of
it as like applying two coats of paint to a wall – it gives a better finish!
- Once you are out in the sun, you need to re-apply your sunscreen
every two hours, and again after going into water or after activities that make
you sweat!
- Failing to apply more sunscreen after a swim leaves your skin very vulnerable to burning. Look for sunscreens that
are waterproof or require less applications to safeguard.
What is SPF?
- SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. The higher the SPF, the more
protection the sunscreen will give you from UVB rays. These are the rays that
burn you. If you look at some of the bottles on the shelves some go as low as
8, others go up to 50+.
And UVA?
Always check the label of your Sunscreen to see if it provides UVA protection as well
- UVA rays are so strong they can pass through glass and they penetrate the deeper layers of your skin.
- UVA protection is generally shown by a start system - 5 star for the highest level of protection
- It makes sense to be safe in the sun and choose a sun screen with a 5 star level of
UVA protection and at least stars for UVB protection - this is called a broad spectrum sun screen.
- Although sunscreens are helpful they are not perfect so limit your exposure time to be safe in thesun
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