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The best hair color for YOU!

The best hair color for YOU is the one that is going to make YOU look most attractive

It's how you feel as well and YES of course you're allowed to have fantasy hair colors - you'll probably have a personality to match! But there's no doubt if you flatter your skin tone you will always get the best result.

Whats the best hair color for YOU! #besthaircolor https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/best-hair-color.html

Designed to work together

Hair, eyes (and eyebrows) and skin tone are all designed naturally to work together, so just a small tweak of hair colorant can make a big difference to the way you look.

I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't color your hair but, just like choosing makeup and clothes, it is important to choose the best hair color for YOU! So yes... you can add toners, highlights, low lights or even change your color permanently in the knowledge that you'll get the best effect when you complement your skin tone.

First identify your undertone

First identify the undertone of your skin to find the best shades for hair colorant. Changing your hair color 'out of focus' can make a huge difference to your complexion. 

Actress Naomi Watts (below) has Cool skin with blue undertones which translates into a pink toned complexion.

With warm golden tones in her hair (left) natural color drains from her face. Her coloring is 'thrown' and she's added a much stronger lipstick to compensate. The best hair color for Naomi will always be Cool ash blonde highlights which perfectly complement her natural coloring.

Whats the best hair color for YOU! #besthaircolor https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/best-hair-color.htmlThe effects of different hair colors on Cool skin

and for Nicole the opposite

There is exactly the opposite effect with Nicole Kidman! Nicole is a natural redhead but when her hair is unnaturally cool and light (below) sadly she loses her golden warmth. Her best color shades will always be Warm tones.  

Whats the best hair color for YOU! #besthaircolor https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/best-hair-color.htmlThe effects of different colors on Warm skin

The best hair colors for COOL skin

If you have a Cool skin then your natural hair color is usually Cool too and designed to flatter you as a whole.

When you need to brighten yourself up with a hair colorant ensure that you choose a complementary shade to work with your skin and keep COOL! 

Ash blonde highlights, ash brown low lights, or even a deep burgundy can be introduced to darker hair. However deep your color you can introduce some stunning sharp highlights for brightness.

If you find it difficult to eradicate brassy tones from your hair, try a silver shampoo or toner.

Whats the best hair color for YOU! #besthaircolor https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/best-hair-color.htmlThe best hair tones to complement Cool skin

The best hair colors for WARM skin

If you have a Warm skin then your natural hair color is usually Warm too and designed to flatter you as a whole. If you want to add a hair colorant ensure that you choose a complementary shade to work with the WARM tones. Cool tones can drain the color from your face and make you look quite grey. 

Hair stylists love warm tones and you should have no bother finding subtle shades like honey and caramel. There is a strong red influence and strawberry blonde, light titian red, deep auburn or even red toned chestnut could work.  

Choose carefully to flatter and work with a golden toned complexion. 

Whats the best hair color for YOU! #besthaircolor https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/best-hair-color.htmlThe best hair tones to complement Warm skin

If you're fair or dark

Perhaps you're fair or dark and considering a drastic change of hair color. You can do it of course but it may have a dramatic often adverse effect on your skin tone. 

Fair hair is naturally designed to complement fair skin and deep toned hair/deep toned skin the same. 

When Katy Perry (below) turned blonde it certainly had an adverse effect on her complexion. Bright eyes and deep eyebrows are designed to complement the striking dark hair and together create an amazing clarity. 

Of course she's the business of standing out from the crowd so if you're happy to be different - enjoy!

Whats the best hair color for YOU! #besthaircolor https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/best-hair-color.htmlKaty Perry naturally dark or choosing to be blonde!

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