Bright coloring downloadable 18 Color Swatch

Bright downloadable swatch

Bright downloadable swatch


Hi Pamela,

Loving this site! I've just downloaded the pdf for bright colours and the Navy swatch is printing as black. Would you mind checking it for me?




Hi Annabel

Thank you so much for your kind comments - I'm delighted you're enjoying the site and thanks for joining the email group.

(NB for visitors - 18 color downloadable color swatches are amongst other free downloads when you join my Email group)

I've checked the Bright downloadable swatch and it is Bright Navy but it's quite dark as you see here. That's because the Bright colors are quite intense and therefore quite deep.

Sorry but it appears that your printer isn't picking up the difference between the navy blue and the black.

If these are your colors it would be well worth treating yourself to a 45 shade Fabric Color Swatch - you'll find it a great investment over time.

Thanks again and best regards


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