Can a Deep wear Cool and Warm makeup?

by Tammi


Some time ago I was analyzed as a Winter season but the Winter makeup is not good on me. Now I have been analyzed as a Deep Autumn - so I am doubting both and wondering whether I might be DEEP.

My question is - can a DEEP wear both Warm and Cool makeup?


Hi Tammi

Theoretically yes! but easier not to determine it in that way.

It's difficult for me to comment on your personal coloring as I don't know you and haven't done your Color Analysis. But from what you say you could indeed be the DEEP Color Family which has elements of both Warm and Cool.

Rather than looking for Warm or Cool makeup I would suggest that you experiment and find the best shades for your own natural coloring. Flattering your skin tone and enhancing your strong coloring is far more important than the colors you choose to wear. Once you are happy with your 'look' you will need only one set of cosmetics.

Rather than thinking Warm or Cool, keep to neutral or natural makeup tones (more brown based) and you'll find that your cosmetics will enhance YOU whatever you're wearing.

I like to suggest Bobbi Brown makeup which offers fabulous natural but strong tones.

Wearing Deep colors does indeed mean that you have both Warm and Cool shades within your color palette - but none of them are extreme. The strength of color (or intensity) is the most important factor that will create color balance with your own natural coloring and the cosmetics you choose to wear.

kind regards

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