Clear winter and Deep winter - what's the difference?

Winter is Deep Cool and Bright

Winter is Deep Cool and Bright


Please could you tell me the difference between a clear winter and a deep winter - is it true the deep winter does not have very pale skin?


Hi Sandra

The WINTER season is what I call a 'complex' color family made up of the individual elements of Deep, Cool and Bright. In other words it takes deep cool and bright shades to come together to actually make WINTER.

Although the season is separated into the individual elements of Deep Cool and Bright by some color professionals, my opinion is that you are diluting the color palette you can wear and enjoy. It's also frustrating and difficult to try to match to such defined color shades.

You can't generalize on the skin tone because you can be a Winter with fair skin or black skin. Everyone is different but if this palette shows you at your best then it's the one for you!

Of course you will always develop your favorites out of any color palette but there does need to be enough choice to allow for mood and occasion.

I would suggest you enjoy the WINTER color palette as a whole Sandra.

kind regards

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