Color Analysis for any age!

Triple the COLOR fun!

You love Before and Afters - allow me to introduce a very special family to show that Color Analysis is for any age! 

          Jodie is 50+          Nancy is 60+          and Charlotte is 70+

3 ladies who make up the team of Jodie's Touch of Style blog.

Color Analysis for any age #coloranalysisatanyage #coloranalysismature

Although Jodie is the actual blogger, Charlotte (her Mom) and Nancy (her Stepmom) contribute hugely to the fun.

Being stylish, whatever your age, doesn't have to be boring and you'll get a huge dose of INSPIRATIONAL FUN when you take a look at these fabulous 'golden girls' as they put together outfits from their own wardrobes.

How lovely it is to meet colleagues and become friends over the Internet.

Fashion and Fun - why not?

If you think fashion fun and getting older don't go together then think again!

Jodie Nancy and Charlotte have an absolute ball and they love to find a 'theme' around which to base their outfits and accessories. They've been inspired by TV programs (Charlie's Angels springs to mind!), reader suggestions, even home decor!  

Many women think that Color Analysis lived in the 80's but it's for any age and any era!

Jodie Nancy and Charlotte hadn't realized that the majority of their color choices were instinctive and linked in with their own Color Family.  Natural coloring really does influence your choice of colors for clothes, makeup, even interior design!  

Jodie 50+ is SPRING

Color Analysis for any age #coloranalysisatanyage #coloranalysismature

JODIE's natural coloring is as vivid and bright as her personality! Her instinctive use of the bold, happy and brilliant colors that make up her color palette is amazing.

The SPRING Season is made up of 3 specific elements LIGHT, BRIGHT and WARM, and Jodie has these 3 color characteristics by the bucketful.

How did I discover this? Her eyes are clear and BRIGHT, her skin is LIGHT and golden and titian hair is gorgeously WARM. 

She was surprised how much her outfit choices reflect her natural Spring coloring. 

Color Analysis for any age #coloranalysisatanyage #coloranalysismature 50+ is Spring

Nancy 60+ is COOL

Color Analysis for any age #coloranalysisatanyage #coloranalysismature

The Seasons are a mix of color characteristics - no such thing for Nancy. Her coloring is purely COOL with a strong blue undertone. 

Striking silver hair, clear green eyes with a darker rim and a pretty pink toned skin, all the elements that make up the tonal color family COOL.

Many people still think that COOL has to be Summer or Winter, not so. The COOL Color Family takes the True Cool shades from Summer and Winter but excludes the elements that are not needed. 

See how instinctively over the years she has veered towards Cool colors.  

Color Analysis for any age #coloranalysisatanyage #coloranalysismature 60+ is Cool

Charlotte 70+ is WARM

Color Analysis for any age #coloranalysisatanyage #coloranalysismature

Charlotte has Warm skin like her daughter Jodie but there the similarities stop.

Charlotte was a redhead, and her beautiful white hair still shows signs of the 'golden glow' that often accompanies this coloring.

Red/gold hair, very unusual deep navy eyes and a Warm skin all add up to the WARM Tonal Color Family. There is no other influence.

I'm told that Charlotte has a 'bottomless' closet and is the 'accessories Queen'. But as an expert seamstress, there's no mistaking her stylish attention to detail.

Her color choices are instinctively warm, cheerful and so flattering. 

Color Analysis for any age #coloranalysisatanyage #coloranalysismature 70+ is Warm

What Color Analysis does...

When you reflect your natural coloring in the clothes you wear you create COLOR BALANCE.

I've had so much fun determining the colors of these 'golden girls'. Each now has a color palette that echoes their natural coloring - a whole spectrum of color shades that will always show them at their best!       

Color is of course genetic and Jodie and her Mom have much in common. But even though they both have Warm skin, Jodie has the genetic input of a second parent. Their color palettes have similarities but they are individual to each.  

Nancy on the other hand has completely different Cool coloring.

Although she gravitates strongly towards her best colors she can sometimes be influenced by the choices made by the other two. It's rather like going shopping with your best friend and your tastes are always influenced a little by other views!

They've chosen outfits here (left) to reflect their new COLOR FAMILIES. But they didn't realize just how ABSOLUTELY PERFECT the majority of their choices have always been! 

Go visit the 'golden girls' at Jodie's Touch of Style

Color at any age can be SEASONAL or TONAL!

ONLINE COLOR ANALYSIS is for any age. Transitioning into grey or white hair cannot  change your genetic color fingerprint. Occasionally you might prefer to wear more gentle colors if you feel overpowered but this is by no means always the case.

Many people think that Grey hair is just grey hair! Nancy and Charlotte's natural coloring are still complete opposites even after their hair color has changed!  

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