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Color Analysis Results
for Allison from the USA

This is just a taster of the results of the Online Color Analysis results for Allison from the USA.  

Color Analysis is an online service and Allison completed a comprehensive questionnaire and included a few photos so that I completely understood her coloring, genetic background and I was aware of any concerns.

The result? A stunning color palette to complement her natural coloring enabling her to look and feel her most attractive. 

It's important that anyone experiencing Color Analysis should fully understand how and why they are linked with a particular Color Family. I fully explain the process accompanied by images every step of the way. 

Read more about Personal Color Analysis here...

Color Analysis results for Allison #coloranalysisresults #colorseason #coloranalysis #seasonalcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-allison.html

A summary of Allison's Color Analysis

Allison is a wardrobe consultant for the Cabi range in the USA. She does, therefore, have a natural ability to pull an outfit together for her clients.  

It is, though, considerably more difficult being able to choose colors for oneself! Let alone isolate a palette that works together.  

She is naturally drawn towards brighter shades as I show below; both the Spring and Winter palettes have an element of BRIGHT. 

You can see in the photo above that, although Allison's natural coloring certainly invites the BRIGHT shades, she looks far more at home with the SPRING colors because her coloring is light and warm.  That is exactly the SPRING palette; it's Bright, Light and Warm. 

She has much in common with the WINTER tones and some of the neutrals like navy and black will be very useful but, overall, the palette is too heavy for Allison's fresh and golden complexion.   

Color Analysis results for Allison #coloranalysisresults #colorseason #coloranalysis #seasonalcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-allison.html

The Color Analysis results for Allison is SPRING
read what she has to say...

I read with pleasure the delighted comments following the color analysis results, Allison says: 

"Thank you so much Pamela! I agree, I am much better with ivory than stark white, but I am drawn to some of the winter colors, like black and navy.  I thought I might be a winter or summer, but I do see with my golden skin and hair, that spring makes sense.  But I like that I am also Bright so I can wear some of these brighter winter shades like navy, royal blue, dark pink or black.

It's funny though, because Camel does look good on me, and especially Chambray blue.  Actually, most blues look good on me, except pastels.  And most greens except deep olive. A cooler, bright orange is great on me. 

As a cabi stylist, I like to help others with their best colors, shapes etc, so everything you say is right up my alley.  I feel like I resonate more with the bright and light colors, less the warm colors. 

And thank you for clarifying that I can leave out any of the more heavy tones, majoring on the bright colors that I like better! It's good that it's not totally locked in stone because I wouldn't feel good wearing the warmer browns. 

Thanks! Allison"

Pamela says: 

You don't have to like every single color in a palette so don't let them scare you.  You should always take what works and reject what doesn't feel right to you! 

Because you are quite Bright I can understand why warm brown and gold are heavy for you!  Exactly what understanding it is all about. You obviously have a great feeling for your best colors and Color Analysis just brings it all into focus.  

A color palette is just the beginning. If only 2 colors scare you then you have 28 in the Spring swatch to work with!  And feel free to add in whichever Bright colors feel good and work!  Nothing is written in stone, it's not inflexible.  It's a very old fashioned concept that you 'should' only wear your season etc. 

All about feeling and looking your best, you need to feel good in your colors! 

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Color Analysis results for Allison #coloranalysisresults #colorseason #coloranalysis #seasonalcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-allison.html

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