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Color Analysis Results for Sisters

This is just a taster of the results of the Color Analysis results for sisters Margaret, Ingri and Janne from Norway who have very kindly allowed me to use their photos 

Color Analysis is an online service and the sisters submitted their questionnaire and photos a few weeks apart as one told another. So I completely understood their coloring, ethnic background and I was aware that their needs were slightly different. 

Although sisters or mothers/daughters may resemble each other and may have the same color family, the gene pool is such that natural coloring can be completely different. Although these sisters resemble each other physically, they have very distinct coloring - Warm Cool and Spring!   

It's important that anyone experiencing Color Analysis should fully understand how and why they are linked with a particular Color Family. I fully explain the process accompanied by images every step of the way.

My Personal Color Analysis ensures that everyone ends up with the best result! 

Color Analysis results Sisters #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysissisters https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sisters.htmlMargaret, Ingri and Janne
Color Analysis results Sisters #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysissisters https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sisters.html
Color Analysis results Sisters #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysissisters https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sisters.html
Color Analysis results Sisters #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysissisters https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sisters.html

Margaret was the first to apply for Color Analysis

Margaret was he first to apply for color analysis for the sisters. She had been analyzed many years ago as a Spring but had often found the colors too bright. As a golden warm blonde she was drawn to Warm colors but found Spring too bright and Autumn colors too heavy!

There was nowhere to go with the Seasons which are glorious palettes of color, but they don't work for everyone and Margaret had fallen into the gap! She chooses comfort and a natural relaxed style and find dressing up difficult.  

Fortunately the WARM tonal color family was a perfect fit and gives her a mellow warmth, neither too bright nor too heavy, a classic color palette for her outdoor lifestyle. She now feels far more confident to try different styles as her palette excludes the extremes of Spring and Autumn. 

Personal Color Analysis was the obvious beginning to identify the color analysis results for the sisters and Margaret's direction did not disappoint! 

Color Analysis results Sisters #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysissisters https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sisters.html
Color Analysis results Sisters #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysissisters https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sisters.html

Ingri was next to apply...

Although initially Ingri also described herself as a golden warm blonde she said that, as a child, her hair was more ash. A few golden tones appeared as she got older, this can often happen. 

She favors clear colors and with 3 small children needs a practical, mix and match wardrobe, although she's keen to feel a little more stylish. 

I used exactly the same process as with her sister, but Ingri's complexion and eyes are quite different to her sister and she takes a tan reasonably easily.

My analysis led me to the COOL color family. No hair is 100% cool which was why the few golden tones didn't affect the result in any way.

The COOL color family gives Ingri the perfect palette to create an easy wardrobe with neutrals of blues and grays ready to form a base for the clear accent colors. 

Color Analysis results Sisters #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysissisters https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sisters.html
Color Analysis results Sisters #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysissisters https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sisters.html

It was lovely to hear from Janne too....

Janne describes her glorious hair color as light red/titian, there's far more warmth here than with either of her sisters. She also has a much more sensitive skin and easily burns in the sun. 

Although all the girls describe their eyes as 'blue' it just goes to show how difficult it is to analyze yourself as they are all so different. 

Janne wears a uniform in her job and doesn't dress up a great deal but is very aware of clothes and the colors she wears. She favors an elegant look and likes blue, green and violet! 

Well, another new direction as Janne's images took me to the SPRING color palette - offering exactly the colors that she enjoys! 

This just goes to show that when Personal Color Analysis discovers your perfect palette, you can expect to enjoy and feel comfortable with the colors!

Color Analysis results Sisters #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysissisters https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sisters.html
Color Analysis results Sisters #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysissisters https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sisters.html

Color Analysis results for Sisters - amazing! 

It was such a pleasure and quite a unusual experience to compare the coloring and the individuality of these 3 ladies.  

Color Analysis results Sisters #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysissisters https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sisters.html

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