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Color Analysis Results for Lalitha, USA

This is just a taster of the results of the the Online Color Analysis results for Lalitha from the USA.    

Color Analysis is an online service and Lalitha completed a comprehensive questionnaire and included a few photos so that I completely understood her coloring, ethnic background and I was aware of any concerns.

The result? A stunning color palette to complement her natural coloring enabling her to look and feel her most attractive. 

It's important that anyone experiencing Color Analysis should fully understand how and why they are linked with a particular Color Family. I fully explain the process accompanied by images every step of the way. 

Read more about Online Color Analysis here...

Color Analysis results for Lalitha #coloranalysis #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysistestimonials #bestcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-lalitha.html

A summary of Lalitha'a Color Analysis

Lalitha was confused! Although she had been previously determined a Deep Winter with Cool undertones, she didn't feel it was accurate. She gravitated towards Warm colors and had frequently been told that she had a Warm skintone! 

With her strong Indian coloring she found light colors difficult to wear which is not surprising. She feels good in deeper tones particularly warm shades but she also wears black and white! That's intriguing because that covers both Warm and Cool shades. 

and the Online Color Analysis results... DEEP

With just the first look at Lalitha's photos I could see a disparity. In one photo her skintone looked warm and in the other it appeared to be cool! 

I can immediately see why Lalitha has found it difficult to be sure so I did lots of images to prove that she does, in fact, have elements of both Warm and Cool in her genetic makeup. 

She belongs to the DEEP Color Family which has elements of both Warm and Cool in the color palette. It means that the depth of color is of primary importance far more so than the undertone. Lalitha is able to wear both Warm and Cool colors as long as they have the intensity that her coloring needs. 

You will see from the image below that the DEEP color family takes only the deepest and strongest tones from both warm Autumn and cool Winter. 

Color Analysis results for Lalitha #coloranalysis #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysistestimonials #bestcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-lalitha.html

"The clearest explanation ever..."

Following her color analysis results Lalitha comments:

"Thanks so much for all the detailed information. People always get confused with my photos since I am not camera friendly and I appear a shade darker than I am, according to everyone I know.

I always thought I have a warm skin tone, but it is surprising to see the cool element. I have been using warm-based foundations, but again, I often need to be matched correctly, and the ladies at the counter always send me home with darker shades. So I usually buy light-medium warm foundations online in any brand, which has worked so far. Plus I don't use foundation often and my go to is usually a tinted moisturizer so I have been managing fine so far but would love to have my right shade of foundation some day! 

Thanks so much for all the pictures, they help a lot. I look forward to the color swatch so I can go shopping and ensure I am getting the right colors." Lalitha, US

Color Analysis results for Lalitha #coloranalysis #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysistestimonials #bestcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-lalitha.html

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