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Color Analysis Results for Nina, UK

This is just a taster of the results of the Online Color Analysis results for Nina from the UK. .   

Color Analysis is an online service and Nina completed a comprehensive questionnaire and included a few photos so that I completely understood her coloring, ethnic background and I was aware of any concerns.

The result? A stunning color palette to complement her natural coloring enabling her to look and feel her most attractive. 

It's important that anyone experiencing Color Analysis should fully understand how and why they are linked with a particular Color Family. I fully explain the process accompanied by images every step of the way. 

Read more about Online Color Analysis here...

Color Analysis results for Nina #coloranalysis #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysistestimonials #bestcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-nina.html

A summary of Nina's Color Analysis

When Nina contacted me she told me she had had several color analysis' previously with different results. Out of warm spring, light spring, cool summer and light summer; she was happiest with Soft Summer. Although she even found some of those colors too dark! 

I disregard past results and start from scratch and my thoughts, theory and images led me to the SUMMER season; a complex mix of Light, Muted and Cool shades. You can see below how those palettes blend highlighting the delicacy of Light, the softness of Muted and the blue tones of the Cool palette; a glorious fusion of TRUE SUMMER - reminiscent of an English country garden! 

If one of these elements takes precedence then the subtle balance is destroyed. As Soft Summer accentuates the Muted palette you can see why the colors were too dark for Nina. 

and the Online Color Analysis results... SUMMER

Color Analysis results for Nina #coloranalysis #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysistestimonials #bestcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-nina.html

"The clearest explanation ever..."

Following her color analysis results Nina says: "That’s all super helpful, thank you very much I love your analysis! After several analysis' this is the clearest I've received. 😍 It was so detailed and personal! 

I suggested that finding makeup shades might be a problem! 

Nina replied: "Yes, make up is a struggle with a very fair skin. I’m trying to find a perfect lipstick shade that is not too deep, but also not very light… so far, not much success 🤣 let me know if you have any specific recommendations."

My suggestion was to use a stronger color lip liner and infill with a lighter shade, that removes any heavy color.

Nina: "Thanks for clarifying!!! That makes perfect sense." 🤔

She queried the color of some tops with me too and I was able to point out that they were ALL included in the Summer palette as you see in the photo below! 

It just shows that Nina's instincts were proving to be a perfect fit with the TRUE SUMMER palette. 

Color Analysis results for Nina #coloranalysis #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysistestimonials #bestcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-nina.html

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