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Color Analysis Results - Sarah, USA

This is just a taster of the results of the Online Color Analysis results, Sarah from the USA.  

Color Analysis is an online service and Sarah completed a comprehensive questionnaire and included a few photos so that I completely understood her coloring, ethnic background and I was aware of any concerns.

The result? A stunning color palette to complement her natural coloring enabling her to look and feel her most attractive. 

It's important that anyone experiencing Color Analysis should fully understand how and why they are linked with a particular Color Family. I fully explain the process accompanied by images every step of the way. 

Read more about Online Color Analysis here...

Color Analysis results for Sarah #coloranalysis #colorresults #seasonalcoloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sarah.html

Sarah's reason for wanting Color Analysis

Sarah was extremely confused about her coloring and appeared to have both pink and yellow tones, particularly when trying to get matched for foundation. She burns easily and yet, by the end of the summer, has a decent tan. 

"30 years ago, in my teens, someone told me I was an Autumn, I'm drawn to Winter colors but with my hazel eyes I feel like I should be Autumn! My main concern is getting my hair color right as I've played with my color since I was 13. Everyone tells me to color my hair blonde to blend in the grays but it just doesn't work for me!"

Color Analysis results for Sarah #coloranalysis #colorresults #seasonalcoloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sarah.html

and the Online Color Analysis results... COOL

Hazel eyes cause a lot of problems! Many people assume that a touch of orange in the eyes automatically puts them into the Autumn season. Occasionally yes, but most hazel eyes have a predominance of gray or gray/green and are predominantly COOL!

Sarah's hair was a continual concern and adding blonde highlights threw up yellow tones as you see in the image below.  So first things first, I recommended a silver shampoo to dampen down the brassy tones and Sarah's true COOL coloring began to emerge. She can certainly add highlights in the future as long as she sticks to an ash tone!     

Once her hair was toned down a little, wearing her favorite navy and strong clear colors, allowed the pink tones in her coloring to show through. She didn't have enough depth for the Winter palette, but the COOL tones are perfect.  

Color Analysis results for Sarah #coloranalysis #colorresults #seasonalcoloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sarah.html

"I'm beyond thrilled with the results!"

Following her color analysis results Sarah says: 

"Thank you so much for the in-depth analysis. I read everything cover to cover and printed it out. I love Color and feel I can often spot people who are Warm or Cool but couldn’t figure my own season. Now I know why!

Funny because today I had a video call wearing a navy blouse, silver hoops, and a silver/pearl necklace as I read my results from you! 

I’ve always been drawn to cool jewel tones and hoped I was Cool. Over the years I accepted I must be Autumn due to online quizzes. Hazel eyes, brunette hair, a few red highlights and freckles made me think all say Autumn."

Color Analysis results for Sarah #coloranalysis #colorresults #seasonalcoloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-sarah.html

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