Colour seasons for older women

by Pamela

Enjoying vibrant color with grey hair

Enjoying vibrant color with grey hair


I have silver hair with slightly golden streaks, light brown eyes, medium coloured skin which tans in summer and I'm aged 74. What season am I and what are my best colours?


Hello Pamela

I'm afraid it's not that easy for me to tell you your Color Family with such little information.

But the most important thing is that even if your hair has transitioned into grey it rarely makes a difference to your Color Family if you already know your color direction.

However, if you don't know your color direction already you can find your nearest Season very easily if you have a definite Warm or Cool undertone. Take a look and see if you can identify your skin tone.

The next step is to decide whether your coloring is more Light or more Deep.

Warm Light is close to Spring
Warm Deep is close to Autumn
Cool Light is close to Summer
Cool Deep is close to Winter

If you feel that you don't fit into the Seasons you may have a Tonal Color Family instead. In that case take a look at the Free Color Analysis Quiz and see if you can recognize your coloring there.

You may be able to sort your coloring yourself Pamela, otherwise I offer a personal Online Color Analysis with a 100% guarantee of success.

Both I and the majority of the ladies on this website are what you would call 'mature' because when natural coloring starts to change it's often the time we need a boost of confidence.

kind regards

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Apr 11, 2022
My answer to you all
by: Pamela

Hi everyone!

I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up with all these different comments so I'll try to give an answer which I hope will cover most queries.

First of all everyone is different, natural coloring is a very personal and individual factor. So when I or anyone else puts together a color quiz it has to be quite generic - in other words we include the most usual coloring we would expect to see for that color direction. Eyes in particular can be extremely varied and it would be impossible to include every beautiful eye color.

All that coloring when put together will make sense to the color professional - or it should!

The last 4 comments on here all query how your coloring is affected when you transition into grey hair. And really there is not a 'one size fits all' answer. I most firmly do not believe that an Autumn changes to a Winter when her hair goes grey; your coloring is far more than just hair color.

It may be that sometimes your coloring softens from Autumn to Warm or from Winter to Cool; but I have also seen a Spring whose coloring is far brighter once transitioning into grey/silver hair.

I have also seen lots of women trying to fit into the wrong palette during their younger years and only being aware that something is wrong later on in life.

If you can find a color palette you're happy with that's great, if not then I can only suggest an Online Color Analysis. See what former clients have said hereAfter Color Analysis, many of whom now have grey or silver hair.

Dec 30, 2021
Never see my eye colour represented
by: Anonymous

In every colour analysis quiz I have taken there is never a picture of my eye colour. They are deep blue with a yellow sunburst around the pupil and a dark rim around the outside. I have to use any colour just to progress through the quiz. I have salt and pepper hair and my skin is neutral.

What season or tone am I please? Any help would be very much appreciated.


Oct 06, 2021
by: SallyAnonymous

I’m a recent you tube video I watched a color consultant who seemed to say if you had gray hair you were a Winter, even if you had been an Autumn before your hair turned gray. She did not take eye color or skin tone into account. This just didn’t seem right to me.
I was told years ago that I was an Autumn. I had medium brown hair, golden brown eyes, and a beige skin tone. My hair is turning gray. More of a taupe gray in the front. Still plenty of dark hairs in the back, mixed with gray.
Your thoughts on changing seasons? Or should I just lighten or soften my Autumn colors?

Jun 16, 2021
Wondering about my Autumn dark colors
by: Jean

I just turned 80. I was determined years ago as an Autumn. My best colors then were dark Browns, Greens, Teals, Purple, Mahogany, Dark tomato Red,. Most of the dark colors. Do not feel as comfortable now with them now and wonder if I should be changing to a lighter version of the Autumn colors as my hair is gray and skin has lightened.

Sep 18, 2020
Winter grey
by: MarytheMom

When I was young, I was fair-skinned with dark brown hair and definitely a Winter. I loved jewel tones and looked great in black. I started going grey early and now at 50 my hair is almost totally grey (which I love and get lots of compliments on). But now when I wear black and jewel tones, they overpower me. I look like a striking outfit... with a pale, washed out grey head floating over it.

I'm finding the Summer colors with a greyish overtone look better on me than jewel tones or clear bright Summer colors. Does that mean I've changed seasons?

Oct 29, 2019
Changing seasons when going gray
by: AnonymousMary Ellen

Back in my late 20's, I was analyzed as a Bright Spring. Now after going gray, I am in the light, cool and radiant color family. My hair is almost pure white and I cannot wear the corals and oranges of the Spring family. To be honest, I'm not sure if I ever could as I never got complements on the warmer colors. When I was first analyzed, my consultant had to keep checking to be sure I wasn't a Winter. So, I find that I now need cool, bright, and light colors.

Oct 29, 2019

by: Pamela

It can be a difficult time Karla, so I would generally suggest that you take baby steps rather than one big leap into blonde. Why not apply a toner to the red so that it softens it a little to blend in the roots slightly and see how you feel. If you really want to go blonde then I would suggest a soft beige blonde rather than anything too golden.

Sep 16, 2019
Going Grey
by: Karla

As you know, Pamela, I am muted/warm. I have colored my hair red for some time but I'm thinking going softer, maybe blonde so might roots aren't so noticeable. On the other hand, I might do blonde once and then let my grey grow in. What do you think? As an Autumn I'm not sure blonde looks good on me.

Sep 08, 2019
colour change
by: loopyloulaura

I hadn't thought that going grey (silver!) might have an effect on the colours that suit. Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging

Sep 04, 2019
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you for linking up for Life This Week. Next week the optional prompt is Taking Stock, I hope you can join in again. Denyse.

Sep 03, 2019
Thank you ladies...
by: Pamela

So pleased to receive your feedback ladies and know that this post has opened some new doors to some of you.

Sep 02, 2019
Coombe Mill
by: Anonymous

I'm a deep red head going grey and I know I'm an autumn in colouring, I have all the classic charateristics. #GlobalBlogging

Sep 02, 2019
I will be back!
by: Sheryl

This is so interesting. When I get ready to dye my hair again I will come back. I'm 60 almost 61 in November having like my grandma silver hair thats long.
Very nice site I found you through Grandma's Briefs link party.

Sep 02, 2019
World of Colour
by: Sam

I think I must definitely be an Autumn person - I just found out about a whole world of colour!

Nov 14, 2017
A Season's undertone is genetic...
by: Pamela

You can't change Seasons because each has a genetic undertone. Spring and Autumn are Warm; Summer and Winter are Cool.

Each Season is a blend of 3 specific color characteristics (Tonal groups) and what I've found is that as pigment fades in hair and skin (loses color) the balance between the 3 characteristics CAN change.

For example, Spring is Warm, Light and Bright but as color fades warmth can be lost and sometimes LIGHT can become the most important element. In this case the person may be more suited to the LIGHT color family.

So I've found that a Season can become a Tonal color family but not a different Season. Important to always keep an open mind though and personal feelings have to be considered.

If someone changes their hair color voluntarily it doesn't change the natural coloring in eyes or skin so it doesn't change the undertone but can perhaps affect the intensity of the colors that suit.

Nov 04, 2017
Graying beautifully!
by: Mary from the USA

Pam, this is a great example of a lucky woman grayed beautifully. For some the transition to gray is a bit awkward and we turn to a beautician for help.

Which brings me to a question. In your experience, have you had a client who colored her hair and changed seasons? The client could be any age, even younger with little or no gray.

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