Conflicting Color Analysis


Autumn or Cool and Bright

Autumn or Cool and Bright


I was draped as an Autumn in the late 80s. I just went through a different color analysis - before I found your website - and was labeled a Bright, Cool, Light.

I am so confused and even a little sad (feeling that I have been wearing the wrong colors). I want to sign up for your analysis, but fear that I'll experience paralysis by analysis (nearly there now). Thanks!


Obviously I've heard this said many times before and I feel your frustration because the 2 results were so different!

Were you perfectly happy with the Autumn colors for all that time or were you beginning to have doubts. The confidence of youth allows us to enjoy colors often without question and it's only when your natural coloring subtly changes that we begin to question it.

I would suggest that you return to the latest consultant and explain your predicament. She should be able to explain how and why she has determined your color direction and show you how it can work for you.

I have to say that Bright Cool and Light do not usually go together. Bright and Cool usually refers to deeper coloring.

Did you follow the Autumn palette because you were told it was correct or were you always instinctively drawn to many of the colors, which is the way it should be? Whatever your color direction, as well as providing a base for your wardrobe, it should give you pleasure.

Take a look at Before and After Color Analysis and read what my clients say. Sometimes it takes a while to get your head around a different direction, but you do need to have some kind of connection!

I hope you get some satisfaction,

kind regards

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