Finding my perfect ACCENT color

by Amber

Neutrals used with accent color

Neutrals used with accent color


I would love to find my perfect accent color. I wear a lot of Black because it's easy, but I want to pare down to a capsule of black, white, grey and *ACCENT COLOR*. Still trying to figure it out!


This is what Color Analysis is all about. It provides the answers to whatever you want color to do for YOU!

Every color palette has it's best neutrals and it's best accent colors.

I would guess that you look pretty good in black, grey and white if you want to major on them so you would be looking for Color Analysis to provide you with the lighter brighter colors that will provide contrast and work with those neutrals.

It's a great way to approach your wardrobe building with all your basic pieces in your neutral tones.

A color palette will give you several colors that provide good accents so you can choose your favorites.

If you want to be dramatic then choose your brightest favorite and provide a continual theme through the seasons or choose two colors that work well together and use a range of shades. It's entirely up to you how you make your colors work for you.

Some people choose two colors per season then they're able to easily and inexpensively change their complete look as the seasons change. Whether you play with scarves, a blouse or a bag your look is always flexible.

Online Color Analysis is very inexpensive and will repay your investment many times over.

The very stylish ladies above - Susan from Susanafter60 and Pam from Over50feeling 40 - show how effective it is to dress in this way.

kind regards

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