Going GREY and losing COOL contrast

by Melanie

A wide spectrum of Cool colors

A wide spectrum of Cool colors


I am very confused about my hair color and eyes. My eyes a deep gray brown or dark brown,(rim color is very dark-but one can see color variations in the iris).

I always feel I'm in the Cool category but as my hair is now salt and pepper the colors are not working and I'm so frustrated. My skin is fair to medium light with pink undertones. I know I am a Cool yet I can’t discern to what degree. The pure colors look awful, the lightest shades wash me out. Advice please!


Hi Melanie

So pleased you entered your email address so I can reply personally to you.

It does tend to give us a shock when hair and skin tones begin to change and it can knock your confidence. It sounds as though you are very sure of your color direction fortunately and the Cool color family has a very wide color palette so you've got room for manouevre.

Cool toned hair will usually transition into a pure silver or steel grey depending on the depth of your coloring. Once this happens and you establish a new hair color you should be able to continue to happily wear your colors or adjust accordingly. But of course this takes time!

In the meantime of course you begin to lose the definition that the Cool colors have given you and the contrast you've been used to.

If you intend to let your Hair go naturally grey why not add a few silver highlights now to help it along and it will add a brightness to the salt and pepper. Make sure to take extra care with your makeup to add more definition - a few pearls and/or silver earrings and necklace will all help.

Of course you might intend to color your hair and thus you'll be able to continue with the strongest Cool tones. But eventually your skin may lose a little pigment color too and sometimes that makes you feel a little over pale.

The main thing is that you understand your color direction. It may take a little time to adjust and there's no easy answer. I know exactly what you're going through as I have exactly the same thing going on when I look in the mirror I don't see exactly what I'm expecting to see! Just be prepared to trust your eye and up the contrast a little when you feel it necessary or soften your colors if they make you look over powered.

The above picture shows the wide variations in Cool coloring and there is a fit for everyone. I hope that helps a little but do come back to me if I can help further.

kind regards

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