Growing out colored hair and Color Analysis

by Julie

Growing out colored hair and Color Analysis

Growing out colored hair and Color Analysis


To transition from dyed brown hair to grey, I got highlights which are lighter and yellower than my natural regrowth. The contrast between my skin and the highlights is lower than I think my natural grey will be (my natural colour is about 3 inches currently so the light yellow is dominant at the sides of my face/neck).

I don’t want to do any further colour blending with peroxide-based colour given how yellow it goes. Would it be better to wait & get colour analysis when my natural colour is more established or would you be able to see past the distraction of the lighter (? warmer) ends?


Hi Julie

That's a good question and one that many women face. A hair colorant can certainly persuade you into the wrong colors.

As long as a color consultant can see your natural hair color at the roots there is no reason why a Color Analysis shouldn't be accurate.

Can I see past a hair colorant? Yes usually as that's the way I work. Please Contact me if I can be of help.

But the first thing I would suggest is that you apply a wash-in/wash-out toner which will help to neutralise the 'yellow', blend the colors together and make you feel more comfortable. A very good and inexpensive product is Color Vibes from Amazon.

kind regards

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Apr 06, 2022
Coloured hair and me
by: Kate

Hello Pamela,

I know you're going to get fed up with me but here goes. I look in the mirror and see warm golden/brown hair but my daughters see mousey brown and cool. One daughter says that my ensemble today of yellow t-shirt and teal cardigan makes my eyes pop. The other day she said that camel made my skin look healthy! One is warm and the other is cool. Help!!

I think I'd better have an online colour analysis done before I completely revamp my wardrobe. Could you please tell me what kind of photos you need and I will send them. Thank you so much for your patience.



Apr 05, 2022
Coloured Hair
by: Kate

Hello Pamela,

Further to above comments about my hair. I had it coloured to warm brown by a professional. It now looks warm with gentle highlights (where the ginger shows through) and my family all say it looks natural. I wore a darkish camel cardigan and my daughter said it made my skin look healthy. I decided to look through the Tonal analysis again it came out Warm which is Spring and Autumn which is what I have been told I was before. This makes much more sense and I love the colours, especially the Neutrals.

Your site is definitely the best I have come across.


Apr 04, 2022
Color Analysis on colored Hair
by: Pamela

Hi Kate

Well, I can't tell you that I'm afraid. All quizzes are of course generic and are correct with the information you give them.

If you put in the color of your natural hair and it came back Summer then it's likely to be pretty accurate. Once your hair color changed to ginger/blonde then you've changed your hair color from Cool to Warm, big difference! If that color is a mistake then I would suggest a purple toner to blend it down a little.

LIGHT from the Tonal quiz is bridging the gap, it can't tell whether you're Warm or Cool just suggesting that lighter saturated colors are best for you.

Sorry but only a proper Color Analysis will give you a definitive answer.

Mar 10, 2022
Colour analysis on coloured hair
by: Kate

Hello Julie

This is exactly my problem too. I went grey naturally and did various quizzes which came back as Summer. I then decided to have my hair coloured (professionally!) to a ginger/blonde mix. I have to say I think that was a mistake. Now I come out as Spring.

Pamela, am I still Summer or Spring.

The Tonal analysis has me as Light.

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