How detailed can you be with Color Analysis?

by Kamil
(Ostrołęka Mazowiecki Polska)


Have you heard of Extended Color Analysis and the 38 types of Ethnic?

You know the types of color sunlit soft autumn, dusty soft autumn, smokey soft autumn, deep soft autumn, Toasted Soft deep-winter, smokey deep autumn, soft deep winter, coolest cool winter, coldest clear spring, sunlit clear winter day, coolorest clear winter day, Toasted Warm Spring, warm clear spring, dusty soft light spring, sunlit soft light spring, light Warm Spring, Toasted deep autumn, deep warm autumn, light warm autumn, smokey soft summer, dusty soft summer, Toasted soft summer, sunlit soft summer, coolest cool summer, cool summer light, light cooldest summer, sunlit soft light summer ??

Hi Kamil

I know there are different ways of extending Color Analysis but I've certainly never heard of 38 ethnic types and the 27 'types of Season' you list. It's just too confusing for me to consider I'm afraid.

I work with 10 basic Color families ie. the 6 Tonals Light, Deep, Bright, Muted, Warm and Cool and the 4 Seasons Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

They will direct you to the 'main' color palette that you can wear and enjoy. Within that palette there is always a tranche of colors that will work best for your individual coloring which I will point out but, even more than that, you will discover and have fun with.

As soon as the color families start being broken down into such intricate detail as you've listed above then you get into a situation that the colors you are looking for are so limited as to make them impossible to locate.

Imagine going into a store to buy a dress (as I've pictured above) and insisting on the perfect color match! Frustrating, impossible and quite upsetting I would imagine. There will always be some color shades that you enjoy and flatter you better than others but we have to be realistic.

Check out what I have to say about Flow Seasonal Color Analysis which is not even as fractured as the method you have described.

However, I would never be disparaging about other methods if it suits you and you're happy with your colors that's great, but sorry it's not for me!

kind regards

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Jul 08, 2016
I agree with Mr. Kamil
by: Anonymous

I think that is a reason for being. The fact that the flow time of the year with each other but also small details and nuances that can not be ignored in the analysis. Important that the analysis was accurate, but not tight, because human is changing and colors in nature as well. We are part of this nature. The seasons do not switch to a button of turn on and turn off. It's a smooth process, and every year different. Therefore, it should be varied color analysis and developing individually for fashion designers, clothes.

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