How often can I blow dry my hair without damage?

by Kay


How often can I blow dry my hair to straighten it without causing it any kind of harm, either in the long term or short term?


Hello Kay

I'm told that every time we blow dry our hair it's opening it up to damage. But I would suggest that 'damage limitation' is the way forward.

Check out my page about how to prevent hair damage which gives advice about day to day handling of your hair.

If your hair is strong you will have less worries than someone with thin fine hair which is always more at risk from heat damage.

Drying hair naturally as often as you can, limiting the heat you use and trying to go a couple of days between blow drys will all help.

I also give the recipes for a few natural conditioners on that page which will also help to boost the strength of your hair.

As long as you're aware of the problems that could be caused and have regular trims most people's hair manages to survive the trauma!

kind regards

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Jun 13, 2016
Blow dried hair
by: Kay

Hi Pamela,

Thanks for the detailed response.


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