Inconsistencies in Color Family details

by michelle

10 Color Families

10 Color Families


In the free test I said I was fair/pale skin toned etc.. and came out Deep. However, in your description of understanding color, you said Deep starts from a beige to darker skin tone. Which is it?


Hi Michelle

Sorry if you're feeling confused. The free Color Analysis quiz has to be, of course, quite generic to cope with the majority of colorings so it can't be absolutely accurate.

Also, it will direct you to the nearest Tonal color family. I would imagine that you have quite dark eyes and strongly colored hair which is why it would have suggested Deep.

It sounds as though you could be more in tune with one of the Seasons which can be a bit more complex to work out for yourself.

I haven't completed a Seasonal Color Quiz yet but hope to do one soon. It's too confusing to try to to combine the two.

Take a look at the color characteristics for both the Autumn and also the Winter seasons and see if you can recognise your natural coloring.

Autumn has a Warm skin tone and Winter has a Cool skin tone but both will allow for a paler complexion.

Hope that helps.

kind regards

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Oct 12, 2017

by: Pamela

To be honest Michelle it would be very difficult for me to assume. You could be all sorts of things - apart from Light!!!

Oct 07, 2017
Response to you
by: Michelle

Thanks. I did a seasonal analysis a while back, but was confused because I have dark hair, dark hazel eyes, and pale skin.I COULDN't tell if I had blue veins or green, and I had redish highlights in my hair when I was a kid, but got black when I got older. At first I thought autumn then winter

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