Is there something between Classic and Romantic Style?

by Samantha


I've done a few quizzes in the past and looked at your pages and always seem to be a Classic personality – only I feel that’s a bit boring! Then I recently did a quiz and came up as a Romantic personality – only I find that a bit too flowery. So is there something in-between?


Hello Samantha

Most of us are a mixture of Style Personality and it's perfectly normal to want to mix your looks. Whether you're at work or leisure, casual or a smart occasion - it's a different 'you' that needs to be dressed.

Style Personality groups are just an easy way to describe different ways of dressing because they usually do fit with your personality. You don’t have to adhere or follow any of them. However, if you can recognize yourself as a bit of a mixture of Classic and Romantic - these are two styles that often go hand in hand.

Look at the image above, Jane Seymour is usually considered a romantic dresser but her outfit here is classic as well as having a feminine touch.

You're possibly quite an organized person and you have built your wardrobe around pieces that mix and match to give you maximum mileage. But there are occasions when you want to feel more feminine and you want to soften the overall feel of your quite classic method of dressing.

You don't have to go 'flowery' but you can introduce softness with more glamorous fabrics, soft ruffles, pastel tones etc. all of which will add a more feminine element. Pretty tops are the easiest to add to your classic separates and will give a completely different feel to your overall look.

Yes, you can very easily be a Classic and a Romantic at the same time and do it in just your own way!

Best regards

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