Lost my body shape - just feel fat!

by Ing-Marie


I'm confused about how your body shape can remain the same your whole life if, for instance, you add weight so your waist disappears in a "tyre" of fat.

I have been a pear then I got bigger upwards and became an hourglass, then an apple. Now I don't know what I am really.

Or if you have some waist but it's hanging down feetwise in the front.

Maybe you can write an entry on how to dress hanging waists - guess I must lift it in someway but how?

I should really need a "waist bra" if there were any!


Hello Ing-Marie

You know your actual body shape may have changed because of weight fluctuation but your bone structure / your Body Type can not have changed. You're just finding it difficult to define it because of other issues.

I write very little about weight because I think we all need to feel good about ourselves regardless of size, which is why I maintain that SHAPE NOT SIZE is the most important factor.

However, I also write that it's good to link your lack of confidence to something specific. Once you identify the reason for lack of body confidence you can begin to address the problem.

Most of us tend to exagerate weight gain and it's rarely as obvious to other people. But... it does sound as though this problem is pulling you down mentally and this will ultimately affect your physical health too.

Weight loss is more important to some women than others but I would always advocate that healthy eating is always the best way forward. Not only will your health benefit but your clothes will fit better too. It's the old look good, feel good policy.

In the meantime, treat yourself to some good Body Shapewear which can work wonders for the figure and the morale. An all in one body shaper might be just the thing to sculpt in your waistline.

But most of all start to give yourself a bit of Body Love because taking care of yourself will help you to feel better from the inside out.

kind regards

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