Loving it but in a muddle with color!


I am having so much fun doing this! Thank you...I am a little confused as the test says I am warm... I look much better in silver as gold blends in with my skin and you can't see it...I am medium fair complected ..but I feel I look better in bright jewel tones...muted beigy tones wash me out as do icy tones... my hair is a medium dark brown with natural caramel highlights and my eyes are medium warm brown..?? help !!


Hello Bonnie

How good to hear from you and thank you for joining my email group. I'm delighted you're enjoying my website and exploring the wonderful world of Color!

Obviously the Free Online Color Analysis Quiz is generic and, as we're all so very individual there are bound to be times that it throws a curved ball!

You're actually in a very good place because instinctively you know what feels right and what doesn't. That's much better than meekly accepting any advice that's handed out whether it's right for you or not.

May I suggest that you visit the Color Analysis page again and go through all the different color families and see if you find a 'fit'. It doesn't matter whether it's Seasonal or Tonal as long as it suits you.

If you'd like even more assistance, I would suggest that a Personal Color Analysis is a great investment. I work very intensively on this and you receive an indepth analysis with a 25 page color profile explaining your colors and how to use them very clearly.

Good luck with looking into your colors a little more and if I can help further please let me know.

kind regards


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