Make up colors for Soft Autumn

by Sandra

Gentle tones of Warm makeup to flatter a fair or softer skin tone

Gentle tones of Warm makeup to flatter a fair or softer skin tone


I am a Soft Autumn. Is it right to wear a Rose blusher and lipstick if they are soft. They seem to look better than a coral blush and lipstick? Thank you for your response.


Hello Sandra

Autumn is Warm, Deep and Muted/Soft - therefore you are perfectly right to feel drawn to softer shades. I'm not surprised that you find a coral blush and lipstick too vibrant - you're choosing instinctively which is great.

However, there are two queries that arise here.

1 As I've just said Autumn is always Warm, Deep and Soft. If you've been analyzed as a Soft Autumn it's because you may not be a true Season and you may have been given a restricted color palette.

2 In the same way, if you're feeling that a soft rose tone is becoming to your complexion your natural coloring may not be completely Warm as I would expect for an Autumn.

In both cases, if you're primarily SOFT/MUTED it may be that you're missing out on lots of other colors you could be enjoying.

Take a look at my explanation for Soft Autumn and see if any of it relates to your own coloring.

The most important thing is to always experiment and enjoy your colors.

kind regards

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Feb 22, 2015
Make up for Autumns
by: Ros Holden

Hi Sandra, the reason why you are liking the soft muted rose tones is because you are probably most definetely not an Autumns. Autumns are so so rare. I cannot remeber the last time I saw one if at all in my 9 years as a colour consultant.

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