Mini Swatches

Free downloadable mini swatch

Free downloadable mini swatch



Do you think you could make avaliable mini swatches of family colors like 'bright spring' or 'deep winter'? with 18 colors?



I make the downloadable mini swatches available to anyone in my Email Group to give everyone the opportunity to get a taster of the different color families.

So whether you've been professionally analyzed or worked out your own natural coloring, you can use it as a starting point to become familiar with the colors that will flatter you best.

I'm not a fan of diluting the beautiful Spring palette into different elements because Spring is always Light, Warm and Bright. I've just tried to give you a flavour of these lovely harmonizing shades.

There are different options you could try. I've just recently completed several Books and Ebooks about the Tonal color families and Seasonal ones will follow shortly. In these you will find printable color swatches for all the color palettes. I shall soon be doing the same for the Seasons.

Don't limit yourself to a few shades as in 'bright spring' or 'deep winter' it makes Color Analysis very inflexible and shopping practically impossible.

kind regards


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