My Season colors - do they change


I had my colors done years ago and have loved knowing which colors look best on me. I had auburn hair (dyed), green eyes and light but freckled skin. I'm Irish but have my mother's natural dark hair (French), everything else matched my Irish father. I have now transitioned to gray/with some dark hair still visible. The hair around my face is mostly gray/white. My favorite colors to wear have been teal, navy and some browns. Is there anything I should change now that my face is framed by gray hair and not auburn any longer?


Hi there - sorry you haven't given me your name!

I'm afraid all I can give you is a very generic answer as I know little about you.

If your analysis was conducted to complement your dyed red hair and your natural coloring was not properly taken into account, the color direction MAY be way off.

The good news is that if you are wearing mostly neutrals (as it sounds) this is a great time to have a re-analysis. Finding some beautiful colors to team with your current neutral wardrobe would be a tremendous boost for you.

If you're interested in that move either find a local color professional for a face-to-face Color Analysis or take a look at my Online Color Analysis which is probably the most easy to understand and affordable process around.

Hope that helps
kind regards

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