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Ready for a new Hobby or Pastime?

Considering a new hobby or pastime? It can provide stimulation, pleasure and/or company to enrich your life.   

The word 'hobby' sounds a bit archaic, perhaps even boring, but a 'pastime' now that's a different kettle of fish! Enjoying your spare time any way you choose rather than that which life forces on you! 

Unless you've always had a burning ambition to follow a dream, it may be difficult to immediately think of something that appeals. Perhaps like me, if you've never made time for hobbies, you could just decide to be open to opportunities!     

A new activity can entertain and/or challenge you; it can even help you to discover more about yourself.  It's never too late to learn or experience something new!

New Hobby or pastime

Benefits of a new Hobby or pastime!

  • You become more interesting. A new topic of conversation. Being interested in 'something', whatever it is, expands your knowledge and, in turn, makes you a more interesting person.
  • Keeps you younger and healthier. It's a well known fact that being occupied with something you enjoy increases your well-being. 
  • It's invigorating and generates more energy doing something you enjoy. So if you think you're too busy, stepping outside your day to day duties is mentally and physically beneficial.  
  • Increases self esteem and confidence. The feeling of achieving/learning something new is empowering and your confidence levels will soar!
  • Reduces stress. Whether you work or are retired, life does bring a element of stress. Adopting a new hobby or pastime introduces balance into your life.  
  • Allows creativity to flourish. A new interest opens the door to new opportunities and allows your creativity to flourish.
  • Combats loneliness, which can be a problem for any age or gender. A new hobby can be a solitary pastime but can involve meeting other people who share your interest either face-to-face or on the Internet. Do you want to socialise with a mixed group or perhaps just miss female friendships.
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Talent or Skill? 

Remind yourself of past interests; were you sporty or musical, artistic or creative, do you like to challenge yourself, would you choose an indoor or outdoor activity? It's possible to build on many ordinary everyday interests.  

I've been hearing from many of you creative ladies with suggestions and although many of you are extremely creative, even innate talent needs to be developed through learning, practice and determination before it becomes a skill! 

Dont be deterred! You don't have to be an expert at anything to enjoy! 

Remind yourself of past interests; were you sporty or musical, artistic or creative, do you like to challenge yourself, would you choose an indoor or outdoor activity? It's possible to build on many ordinary everyday interests.  

Many skills can be learned and developed in your later years with a little practice. If the opportunity comes along embrace and enjoy, just dip a toe in the water to see what makes you happy! 

Take a look at local groups first, even if just for a lunch club or coffee morning - all will produce company and chat. What's boring for one person is just what another needs! 

You don't have to be a budding actor to join your local amateur dramatic group. They always need helpers for backstage, costumes or admin work.  

  • Painting, 
  • Sketching
  • Screen printing, 
  • Scrap-booking, 
  • Jewelry making
  • Candle-making
  • Indian block printing
  • Amateur dramatics - backstage 
  • Knitting or sewing groups
  • Board games
  • Dancing or keep fit
  • Join a choir
  • Rambling or cycling 
  • Gardening or flower arranging

Although I had always wished I could play piano, I didn't begin 'til I was in my 70's. I never actually dreamt that I'd be able to produce music in the way I do now! Now in my second year I have several new close friends with the same interest and a new online 'family'. 

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Past interests perhaps? 

Remind yourself of past interests; were you sporty or musical, artistic or creative, do you like to challenge yourself, would you choose an indoor or outdoor activity? It's possible to build on many ordinary everyday interests.  

A new hobby doesn't have to be expensive and some activities can even generate income! If you have the time or would just like to offer help, go for it! 

  • If you're a reader you can always lose yourself in a book but think about joining a book club or perhaps helping out at the library.
  • Volunteer at your local community cafe, charity shop or food bank. You will help the cause but also develop friendships and confidence. My local library has an IT volunteer once a week - perhaps you'd like this kind of help! 
  • Take a cheerful smile into your local care home or visit an elderly person that lives alone. 
  • Enjoy being with children? Kindly adults are always welcome at primary schools to help with reading. I know a woman who learned sign language at evening class and now helps deaf children at a local school. 
  • Riding for the disabled are always looking for help.  A friend of mine volunteers and if the weather is cold she stays in the office, answers the phone and makes the tea! 
  • Did you enjoy dancing? Consider a new form, zumba, line dancing or any kind of exercise that's suitable to your physical health nowadays. Anyone that finds their way around a dancefloor is stylish! 
  • If you're fit enough join a rambling or cycling club, no skills needed as long as you're keen enough to enjoy your surroundings.
  • Join a choir you don't have to have a perfect voice! All singing is uplifting, anything from choral to rock choir - make a large group of friends instantly. 
  • Do you like to write? I like to write about color and style; several of my readers have written novels. Perhaps you have a book in you? 
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Try it and move on!  My story...

I had never made the time for my own hobbies when I was bringing up a family.

When I re-married my husband was already retired and a year later, when I retired too, he had the house running like clockwork and I felt a bit redundant - he also had several interests. It took me a little while to develop my own interests but I learned that you don't have to commit for life! Try it and move on! 

  • Making Jewelry onto building a website - I tried a jewelry making class, fun but not for me. Somehow, I got chatting to someone who built a website about 'Picnics' (how bizarre) and my interest was stirred. She asked me what I used to do and I told her that years ago I taught personal development to women returning to work. Due to circumstances, I had to give it up although I still had the knowledge and the passion. Writing about 'my' subject even though I had no web knowledge grew into Style Yourself Confident! 
  • Online Courses - When Covid hit, my granddaughter's college course was cancelled and, concerned that she would lose interest, I found a free course online and challenged her to a short course on Child Psychology. We both learned a lot and Lauren and I had lots to talk about.
  • While isolating I found a couple of other courses that interested me, both free; I hated History at school but I developed a passion for novels about Tudor Kings and Queens and the History of Fashion - I've written about both subjects on the website.
  • Playing the Piano - It was only a chance remark that led me to start playing the piano as a senior. What a blessing that has brought into my life!
  • Not a Keep Fit Fanatic! - I've always been allergic to exercise but I join in just one 'gentle' exercise class a week. All mature ladies, we enjoy the coffee morning that follows it far more than the exercise !

None of these interests or hobbies are ground breakingly exciting, expensive or physical but I always have things to talk about! 

Your ideas will be entirely different to mine, I'd love to hear...

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What are your interests? 

I once had the privilege of travelling to Whistler in Canada and, at the top of Blackcomb Mountain, I met a lady celebrating her 100th birthday - she grasped every opportunity in life regardless of age.

A lady in my piano group recently celebrated her 70-something birthday with a sky-dive courtesy of her family. I'm nowhere near as adventurous as that but it did make me think about what I might be missing. 

Perhaps your interests are more sedentary and home-based; baking, knitting, needlepoint, gardening, a love of indoor plants, cards, bridge, maj jong, chess, sewing, photography, singing - all subjects that many of your peers (perhaps even neighbours) might be happy to engage in. 

Maybe it's the right time to acquire a pet? A dog will help you to get out and about getting to know your neighbourhood and meeting new people. In fact any pet will provide company while engaging your time for care and attention. 

I'd love to hear your stories.  Contact me...    

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