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Color Analysis Results
for Christina from Australia

This is just a taster of the results of the Online Color Analysis results for Christina from Australia.    

Color Analysis is an online service and Christina completed a comprehensive questionnaire and included a few photos so that I completely understood her coloring, ethnic background and I was aware of any concerns.

The result? A stunning color palette to complement her natural coloring enabling her to look and feel her most attractive. 

It's important that anyone experiencing Color Analysis should fully understand how and why they are linked with a particular Color Family. I fully explain the process accompanied by images every step of the way. 

Read more about Online Color Analysis here...

Color Analysis results for Christina #coloranalysis #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysistestimonials #bestcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-christina.html

A summary of Christina's Color Analysis

When Christina contacted me, her strap line was 'anything as long as it's black!'

Wearing black is quite an easy trap to fall into particularly as she works in a corporate environment and wears business casual most days. Although she added 'bits' of colour like maroon and leopard print with some chunky jewelry, she was keen to do more! 

Analysing her colors as the Autumn season could present a difficulty to many color consultants as black is a no-no for an Autumn complexion. But Color Analysis is there to be enjoyed, not to dictate. 

and the Online Color Analysis results... AUTUMN

Color Analysis results for Christina #coloranalysis #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysistestimonials #bestcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-christina.htmlThis was a fabulous photo that Christina sent me a few months later!

"I've gone into analysis paralysis!"

Christina's bold taste in jewelry shows her dramatic style and I put together the perfect compromise.

It was wonderful to add the rich and most glorious Autumn shades to her black separates so that brilliant color flattered her warm complexion while still creating the bold contrast she loved. 

And following her color analysis results Christina says: "Thank you SO much for this. It's absolutely wonderful. I had a feeling I was going to be either Autumn or Winter, so this has confirmed it and I'm very excited!

I am actually rebuilding my wardrobe 'from the ground up'. Most of my clothes no longer fit so I'm literally starting from scratch. I absolutely LOVE the idea of a capsule wardrobe, at least to start off with, so I'm trying to come up with a colour palette based on the analysis you've given me.

I think I've gone into analysis paralysis!"  Christina, Australia

Color Analysis results for Christina #coloranalysis #coloranalysisresults #coloranalysistestimonials #bestcolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-results-christina.html

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