'Real Women' look just like you and me!
There's no such thing as the perfect body, we come in every conceivable shape and size - short, tall, thin or fat - and each of us has an individual beauty. We ALL have lumps, bumps, fat bits, thin bits, bits we don't like and occasionally bits we do like.
Forget about the air-brushed models in the magazines, they're not 'real' and their insecurities probably outweight yours! Their daily bread is reliant upon them staying a certain size or having a particular look that can go rapidly out of style.
And they're still not GOOD ENOUGH without a lot of help.
Color is the first thing we see.
Some colors will make you look tired and drawn while others will bring you to life so find the best colors to make you look your most attractive.
The freedom and confidence it will give you is boundless! Finding her best colors gave Mary Louise the confidence to let her beautiful silver hair grow through. See what other ladies have to say.
1 OK you've identified your generic Body Type, but your individual Body Shape is quite different.
2 Like most of us you probably have some 'figure challenges'. Parts of you that are difficult to fit.
3 Most of us have bits that we'd like to hide and occasionally, parts of our body that we appreciate and like to show off!
4 By choosing different shapes and styles you can influence the eye and camouflage the bits you don't like.
The idea of beauty changes with fashion and the ages - the perfect body just doesn't exist.
In the 16th century Rubens depicted women with full figures curvy and shapely. Marilyn Monroe in the 50's had voluptuous curves and was reputed to be a US size 12 (that's probably around a UK size 16) and we can frequently see what we would call a 'tummy bulge' in her photographs.
Compare that to the waif-like shape of Twiggy in the 60's - the media's idea of 'female beauty' changes with almost every decade.
Every woman is different and every woman is beautiful. But throughout history it's been the Rubenesque woman who has been immortalized on canvas.
The PERFECT BODY just doesn't exist
Take a walk around town, be very aware of who is around you and see what real women look like. See how beautifully different everyone is. You are a UNIQUE individual made up of inherited genes and chromosomes and absolutely your own woman.
No one in the whole wide world looks exactly like you - that makes you PRETTY SPECIAL.
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