Seasonal or Tonal Analysis - which shall I follow

by Kate

Tonal or Seasonal

Tonal or Seasonal


I have light coppery/blond hair, dark blue eyes with a yellow sunburst around the pupil and a darker rim around the outside. Over the years I have been told my skin is Warm, Cool, Olive or Neutral (??).

Which Season/Tone would I be, please?


Hi Kate

The most important thing to understand is that Tonal and Seasonal both use the same Color Families and basically the same method.

If you have ONE primary color characteristic it makes you TONAL and if you have a mix of characteristics you could fit into the SEASONAL palettes. And I'm afraid I can't give you an answer from a brief description.

Unless you want to invest in a professional Color Analysis then you may be able to work it out yourself and be perfectly happy finding a rough color direction to enjoy.

I would suggest that initially you take the Free Color Analysis Quiz which gives your closest Tonal Color Family. See if you feel comfortable with the color palette suggested.

You can also visit The 4 Seasons where I show you an easy way to find your nearest Season. Check out the color palette suggested.

Hopefully, your natural coloring will fit somewhere along the line and you may be instinctively drawn to one of the color palettes.

If your coloring is slightly more unusual and you want to get it right then I suggest either a face to face with a local consultant or I offer Online Color Analysis.

I hope that helps

kind regards

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Mar 28, 2022
Feedback on my question
by: Kate

Hi Pamela,

Thanks for your answer. I decided that the coppery colour wasn't me so I had it coloured back to my original mousy/cool brown. So much better. I have taken both quizzes and I think I come out as either Summer or Cool. I am happy with that. When I can afford it I'll have an Online Colour Analysis done.

In the meantime thanks again for your kind comments.



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