Soft Winter? Where does this sit?

Looking for Softer Cool colors?

Looking for Softer Cool colors?


Dear Pamela

Having been thus described, I am curious to know where a so-called 'Soft Winter' would fall in your system.

There are these people too dark for Summer pastels or too soft, apparently, for the majority of Winter colours, particularly pure white, but the general concensus of opinion seems to be that they are 'Soft, Cool, and Deep'. Where on earth would that put them in your system?


Hi there

The 4 Seasons are what I call 'complex' color families and work when you have a specifix mix of color characteristics. WINTER is a stunning mix of Cool, Deep and Bright, and the colors are high contrast and quite dramatic. So if your coloring is Soft this palette isn't for you.

If you are genuinely Cool, Deep and Soft then none of the 4 Seasons will allow you to feel comfortable.

The Tonal Color Families, however, are much more straightforward and each has just ONE color characteristic. The COOL Color Family has an inherent softness that comes with the blue undertone with a medium contrast level.

I think this may give you the strength and yet the softness that you need. Do let me know.

kind regards

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Jun 18, 2023

by: Pamela

Sorry for the delay to your comment, but I'm so pleased to hear that the Cool palette sounds good for you. Enjoy!

Jul 24, 2022
by: Anonymous

Dear Pamela,

Thank you for your comprehensive answer! Your explanation makes perfect sense, for one who definitely has medium value in colourng, yet a sort of softness to the brightish overall quality of my appearance. Yet, Soft Winter made no sense to me, since the Winter colors are intrinsically quite the opposite! I do think that 'Cool' is perfect for me, leaning toward the Wintry side of the colours as they would be displayed on a palette. Once again, thank you for your kind reply!

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